Any comments about Dr. Quinlan from Pittsburgh, PA?

I have an Evaluation Appointment with Dr. Quinlan on August 9, 2002. When I check his patient comments there are not many that are recent postings. I would really like to hear all comments on this surgeon, since I feel the surgeon is the most important aspect of a successful WLS experience.    — conniescott0809 (posted on April 29, 2002)

April 29, 2002
Hi! So glad to find another Dr. Quinlan patient. Unfortunately, I have not had my first appt. with him (it is June 7) so I can certainly contribute more after that date. However, my first choice was Dr. Shauer, since he was so "popular". Then my regular nutritional specialist suggested Dr. Quinlan. Said he had worked with him for a long time and felt that he was a little better for me than Dr. Shauer. Don't get me wrong, many folks have used and love Dr. Shauer, but he has gotten SOOOOO busy that he does not interact with other Dr's on a regular basis. An important part of my decision on a surgeon was to make sure that he would be accessable to other Dr's that I use and would make time to communicate with them. From everything I have heard about Dr. Quinlan, he will do that. I will certainly keep you posted as I see him!
   — Renee D.

June 5, 2002
Dr. Quinlin is my doctor. He was the surgeon on my VBG 4 years ago, and I automatically went back to him for the open RNY conversion 2 weeks ago. You read a lot about doctors who take on patients "for life" and follow up with them and get them support. Dr. Quinlin is an excellent surgeon, but he is part of a general surgery practice, not a bariatric surgeon per se. If you are looking for an excellent surgeon, look no further. If you are looking for the whole ball of wax -- someone to see you through to your final goals, check out some other names. Dr. Courcoulis (sp?) is highly recommended by the nurses at the hospital. She herself has had the RNY. I went to her support group meeting on Monday but did not meet her. In summation, I survived a complicated surgery and feel Dr. Quinlin is very competent and likable. If you choose him though, be prepared to initiate your own successful follow up.
   — Karen F.

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