Calcium citrate brand?

Yesterday at the drug store I searched for calcium citrate w/magnesium and vit. D. They only had one brand (I cannot remember the name at this time, started with Cal. . . ) but it was a bottle of only 150 tablets, a serving size was 2 pills for 250 units. Now, to get the required or recommended 1500 units, I would have to take 12 of these pills a day. Does that not sound unreasonable? I have a hard time getting the B12, vitamin, Celebrex and till recently, 2 calcium carbonates down. $14.00 a bottle. Is there another brand that has a higher dosage, for less pills per day and less expensive?    — Doris R. (posted on May 14, 2001)

May 14, 2001
I take Citracal Plus with magnesium and Vitamin D. Two tablets have 500 mg so I take two twice a day.
   — Helen C.

May 14, 2001
When I went in search of Calcium citrate, I found the pills to be way too big for me. I couldn't imagine taking them, and then if you cut them in half that's twice as many swallows of water to get them all down. So, I went in search of a chewable one. Twin lab makes a great chewable calcium citrate with D. A "dose" is 4 wafers. a bottle will last about 2 weeks and costs about 13.00. They are very good, tastes like a sweetart. They are kind of big but very manageable since they are chewable. I am not sure if the cost of these is any better, but I think the route of administration is much preferred. I found them at a local Health food store. Twin lab has a web site ( that will tell you what stores in your area carry their products. Then call the stores and ask about this specific product. Someone about 2 weeks ago found a website with this product and it was at a reduced cost, although I think you had to pay shipping, which to me offset the savings. Hope this helps! shelley
   — Shelley.

May 14, 2001
I take a CAPSULE with 500mg per pill, (yes, that is correct). I'm extraordinarily lazy and cheap, so the 1500mg per day is about $5/month. The proportions of citrate to mag to D are the same as Citrical.
   — vitalady

May 14, 2001
Here's some 500mg calcuim in capsule form, very easily absorbed: [] -cut & paste-
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 14, 2001 sells a calcium citrate + magnesium + vitamin D (in the correct proportions) for $15 for 240 capsules, a 2.5 month supply if you take 1500 mg calcium a day.
   — Linda B.

May 14, 2001
I was taking Twinlab wafers 4x's a day.They were big & chewable but I didn't like them. Now I take 3 capsules a day that I ordered from There are 240 in the bottle for only $15.00
   — socco58

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