Has anyone had to switch to regular effexor vs the XR?

Hi gang! I finally have my surgery date of May 25th :) and I am very concerned that I will not be able to continue my Effexor XR antidepressant while in the hptl. If I forget to take it one day, the very next morning I can tell, very dizzy and very sick! I have been taking it for a year and am hoping I wont have to stop for even those four days, and will I have to switch to the regular effexor instead of the XR which is extended release and capsule form or do people just open the capsule and take it that way for the new tummy and small m&m sized hole... It seems I also read something about the XR version of pills will not work with our new tummys. Anyway just wondering if anyone out there had to switch to the reg effexor and is there a difference besides the size of the pill and the xr release, does it work just as well with the depression? I need to go to my pcp soon and need to know what to tell him. My pre op testing is two weeks before surgery, I could wait and ask my surgeon but just looking for answers here first... You are all wonderful and best of luck to each and every one of you, and thanks for the great site! Renee Donalson PS: I am 225mg effexor XR per day.    — Renee D. (posted on April 30, 2001)

April 30, 2001
Renee, You absolutely CANNOT open up the capsule of Effexor XR and take it that way. Time release meds should NEVER be cut up. If you stay with Effexor you will need to switch to the regular formula. Withdrawl from Effexor can be hellish (I speak from experience!!). You need to discuss with your surgeon your need to continue your meds in the hospital. The regular Effexor can be crushed and taken that way if you must. If they refuse to give you your Effexor in the hospital you will probably need a few injections of Antivan for the intense anxiety that you will experience from the Effexor withdrawl. Take care!
   — BethVBG

April 30, 2001
I never would have thought to ask this, so thank you for your question.I am also on Effexor XR and Neurotin (Cap Form). I would have thought to just open the caps and mix. I will be going to my Pyschiatrist on this Thur and will ask him about it.I am in the process of getting aproval for Open RNY.Hope all goes well for you.
   — [Anonymous]

April 30, 2001
Im on Effexor XR. I did not get my meds when in the hospital but they will give you something, be sure to tell them, maybe more than once. They tend to forget. When I got first got home I took the regular tablets, then after about 3 months the doctor thought I could take the XR but I take one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The one in the morning will not last all day so you have to take another one for the afternoon and night. I don't mean double your dosage, I take 150 daily, so I take a 75 in the morn and a 75 in the afternoon. It works fine and the doctor says the XR's are better on treatment than the tablets. But its best to let your doctor make the decision on whats best for you. Margaret
   — Margaret S.

April 30, 2001
I was taking Effexor XR pre-op. I received no meds in the hospital and was feeling kinda weepy by the time I was released on the 4th day. I resumed XR immediately by opening the capsule and mixing the granules with applesauce (just a smidge) and eating. I checked with both my psychiatrist and the specialist at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals (the manufacturer) and both assured me that there would be no problem taking it that way. I'm fine with single-dosing, but a divided dose is necessary for some people. You might also need a higher dose. The XR is better absorbed that the tablets, even after WLS. I had no withdrawal symptoms except a little tearfulness the day I went home from the hospital and the next day. It's still doing a great job for me, 7 months post-op. Good luck.
   — Linda B.

May 15, 2001
I too am on Effexor XR, matter of fact same dose as you, and like Linda Byrd I got weepy in the hopsital. Luckly, as I cried my eyes out thinking I had made a mistake (I didn't, I was just a chemical mess in the brain) my nurse had enough sence to check my chart and see that I was on anti-depressants and an occational anti-anxity agent. She gave me my normal dose but in the 37.5 size (the ones that I think most of us start on.) Anyway I got them down just fine. (Think I also got a little xanax with it to calm my butt down lol). When I got home I went back to my normal 75x3mg pills and had no problem. They are about the same size as the actigul (sp?) so I knew it would be fine. As to changing to the Effexor I seriously doubt your doctor would do that. Once you find something that works, doctors are loath to change it. If you feel better about opening the pill and just putting the medician on your toung and drinking some water to wash it down that works and there are no problems. The only problem occurs if you CHEW it. That is a big no no. Of course if you think it threw you would realize this is ok all by yourself, as the caplets are made of gelatin and we all know how fast that dissolves in your stomach. And by the way thanks for sharing your one day off from the medician, I thought I was the only one who had that problem, although for me it usually takes 48 hours since the last does to happen. Oh and one other thing, from my experince my nausea is increased ten fold if I take it in the morning. But then again I would get nauseated if I didn't eat with it before the surgery. If this happens to you my advice is to take it about an hour before bedtime. (Nausea didn't start for me until three weeks post op so it may not be a big concern for you right now.) By taking it at bedtime I seem to sleep threw my nausea and also don't get the "I'm wide awake now" feeling that I use to get from it, so it doesnt interfer with my sleep at all. Hope this all helps. Good luck and if you ever need anything don't be shy about dropping a email. Rachel Gagnon
   — Rachel G.

July 19, 2001
I, too, take Effexor XR and was disappointed when the medication was not administered to me while in the hospital. I did request it several times, but to no avail. I could feel my mood change and was weepy. I figured that I didn't receive it because I was only taking in liquids at the time. As soon as I got home I resumed the dose and regained my composure. I also take Trasadone, which was also not adminstered. This was because of the Morphine. I wish that I had known about this before so that I could have consulted with my doctor before surgery. Any how, all is fine now and I hope ethat all works out for you too.
   — Cindy S.

July 19, 2001
I am so glad you asked this question. I have been taking effexor-ex for 3 years now. I am on 150mg three times a day. I have stopped taking it before and man was my life awful. I will never be without it again if I can help it. My body went through all kinds of shaking and I could not control it. I learned from that. Take your medication. I am also pre-op and will ask my Dr. what I should do.
   — Terri W.

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