I am having these done at the same time on FRI, jan. 28th

I am severely anemic. Had three transfusions last week. I am 190 lbs. I have gained 11lbs. I never went below 179lbs with my GBS. HIghest weight was 266'.THrilled with surgery and had gotten engaged. Didn;t work out and that hurts. Surgery is NOT the cure-all. But I did become Cinderella for a long time. ANd even when the glass slipper crack'd, I NEVER became covered with cinders. Still in silk and satin that look damn good. But 14's are getting tighter and Chico's size 3-(sizes 1-3)-fits snugly. Not good. But health is compromised both emotionally and physically, and surgery can't wait. Have done every alternative. I am 51 with adult children so fertility is not a concern. I am scared about the pain; petrified, especially because of the hysterectomy and the negativity that surrounds it. Your patience and honest words are deeply appreciated. Michelle    — michelle R. (posted on January 26, 2005)

January 26, 2005
i have a problem hemoraging evey time i have my period. i have had 2 transfussions also. now i take chloraphyll twice a day to keep my H&H and RBC up. i also just had a D&Cetc yesterday to help control this bleeding. All the Best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

January 26, 2005
Michelle, I'm really interested in how you will do. I have been dealing with anemia also, and just found out I have a huge fibroid. I will have a hysterectomy in May. I need time to shrink the fibroid and get my iron up. I really don't want a transfusion if I don't have to. I'm going to see a blood specialist Friday and I hope he will just do and iron infusion(?) How low was your iron? My hemoglobin is 7 and think my hemocratic is 21. I really don't know what the numbers mean other than my hemoglobin is nearly half of what normal is. I would like to email you or visa versa, after you have your procedures. Best wishes for good results, Debbie
   — D. K.

January 26, 2005
Oh, I forgot to mention that I have gained 5 lbs. since Nov. I was down to 159 and up to 164. I think my body is trying to preserve itself and won't let me loose, while I'm anemic, and I don't know how much the fibroid plays into this weight gain. It is aggrevating to say the least. My hemoglobin was 13 mid Nov. and now mid Jan it is 7. That is a fast decline. Debbie
   — D. K.

January 26, 2005
I was having very heavy menstrual bleeding that caused me to become anemic. My doctor suggested either a hyst or an endometrial ablation, it basically cauterized the interior of your uterus. he said it completely resolves the issue of heavy bleeding for 95% of women and that 50% stop menstuating all together. Pregnancy is not possible afterwards, but it does not change your hormones or remove any organs.. I am in the 50% who stopped menstruating. How nice going from monthly hemmorhages so bad I couldn't leave my house to nothing at all. It saved me having a hysterectomy. Another OB where I work said they are not doing NEARLY the number of hysterectomies they used to do since the ablations came out. (he seemed almost dissapointed, I guess Hysts are a serious source of income)
   — **willow**

January 26, 2005
My GYN was telling all about the ablation(sp) and said exactly what Willow said, but when he did my exam, he said I was not a candidate for it, because I had a fibroid and my uterus was the size of a 16 week pregnancy. Sigh... I would much rather had the other procedure as an out patient, and not had any more cycles. Debbie
   — D. K.

January 26, 2005
Dear Michelle: You are still Cinderella...know why, because you are able to ask for help. I am going to address something I believe is incredibly important, and that is pain. I had my RNY one month and five days ago. Had twelve previous surgeries, so know a bit about what I am talking about. I learned that at the end of your time on the operating table, they can give you a good strong dose of pain meds, plus anti-nausea stuff. It works, trust me. In the three seconds that I spent speaking with the anethologist before my WLS, I asked that he do such. He did not. I woke up in execruciating pain. My suggestion is that you make a specific appointment prior to surgery with this person. Yes, your surgeon's office will give you a run around, but they know ahead of time who will be doing it. Offer to pay for his time. It will be well worth it. Secondly, the morphine drip is nice, but not enough for REAL pain. Have your doctor order shots of something strong as a back-up. When the nurses tell you that the pharmacy is backed up, and it will be two or three hours, realize that, unfortunately some are lazy. Scream like hell, ask to see the the floor surpervisor...or have a friend or relative call the doctor's office. I found the last got pretty instant results. Every time they ask you what your pain level is, tell the twelve. They'll get the idea. Your insurance is paying a lot of money for your comfort. Good the way, I'm jealous...a TT. You'll be comfortably back in those fourteens in no time! It is the guys loss...get healthy and find a better one. Good luck, write if you'd like. I'll be an Angel for this surgery if you want one. If not, I'll note the date and pray for you. Linda
   — lindarodham6

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