Has anyone tried Body wrapping (From the spas) to help with loose skin?

   — Nicole S. (posted on December 20, 2004)

December 20, 2004
From what I've experienced in the past all this technique does is remove excess fluid from your body. Like a super fast dehydration. I tried it a few years back and looked so deflated. My skin looked even worse (saggier).
   — Dedicated

December 20, 2004
What is the wrapping supposed to do...tighten skin? How often would you have to do it?
   — Hypnocutie Cha CHa

December 20, 2004
Funny you should mention this. We were speaking about PS and spa treatments at our last support group meeting. Our WLS surgeon said that these wraps and similar treatments simply fill in the dimples of the existing cellulite with fluid and make the skin look smoother for a very short time.
   — Fixnmyself

December 21, 2004
Yes...and it DOESN'T help. Save your money up for something else. Don't wste it on this proceedure.

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