Do you lose your appetite after TT?

I am so excited that my TT is scheduled for June 16th! June 12th will be two years out from WLS. I've been reading through the library on everything TT and I'm concerned that many people say they go back to almost a 2-month post op WLS-type appetite/stomach capacity. To be honest, I do not want to lose anymore weight. In fact, it is a concsious effort on my part not to. I'm at 5'6 and 128 pounds. I'm afraid that I will drop more weight after the TT. Looking for fresh opinions....does this happen a lot and is it just a short-lived (1-2 week) thing? THANKS!!`    — emilyfink (posted on April 17, 2004)

April 16, 2004
I did not lose my appetite at all after my tummy tuck in February of this year. I did however go on a little carb bender. It was easy to eat and the protein did make me sick for the first week or two. I am not reccommending this plan but that is how it played out for me. I am now back to normal and loving my new flat tummy.
   — Carol S.

April 16, 2004
i don't see where a tummy tuck would have anything to do with stomach capacity. Your pouch is located right under your breast bone. has absolutely nothing to do with a tummy tuck.
   — Delores S.

April 17, 2004
I had the full abdominoplasty and they tightened ALL the stomach muscles, all the way up. I can't speak for having it done with a pouch but with an unaltered stomach I could barely eat anything in one sitting. It was a feeling of "either I eat or I breath". Things were just so tight in there that I literally felt like I couldn't breath in fully if I ate too much (which wasn't much at all). It was a temporary thing, but did last longer than two weeks. I could eat more at 2 weeks than at 1, more at a month than at two weeks. By a couple months post op I could eat pretty normally. The TT/lipo did spur a nice weight loss for me and combined with the tissue removal was a big weight loss for me without WLS. I don't honestly think though that it was due to the modified eating ability immediately post-op of the surgery, though it certainly might have helped some early on.
   — Shelly S.

April 17, 2004
I am postop RNY 3 years and had complete abdominalplasty one month ago...yes, I lost my appetite for about 3 weeks but not due to the size of my pouch, but just the fact that I was in pain and on pain meds much of the time. Also the binder that I have to wear must be tight and it felt like if I ate very much I would explode. My tummy is still swollen but looks great already (surgeon removed 8# of tissue), and that is motivating for me not to eat too much. But I don't think you have to be too concerned over losing your appetite for an extended amount of time and losing too much weight. Just eat a lot of protein or protein shakes for healing and good luck! Carolyn
   — Carolyn G.

April 17, 2004
I don't have a answer to your question, but I'm having a extended TT on the same day. I wish you luck with yours. GOD bless-Tab
   — Tab F.

April 20, 2004
Well, first off, you will lose some weight from the TT. You will for sure lose the weight of the skin. I had pretty much stalled out at about 194 when I had my LBL. They took 7 lbs of skin off. I then lost down to 175, which was my goal weight, so it worked out well for me. I have maintained there ever since.
   — Greg P.

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