Anyone go to Mexico for a Tummy Tuck or Breast Lift. What were the results and doctor

I am sure I will not be approved for plastics through my insurance. I don't have any problems resulting from excess skin. I have excess skin, but not to the extent of medical neccessity. That said, I will have to find a way to pay for plastics myself. I heard plastics are less expensive in Mexico, but i'm affraid. Anyone have a good experience. If so, please share and provide doctor info. Thanks in advance.    — Regina J. (posted on March 24, 2004)

March 24, 2004
Regina- Why go to Mexicao when youcan get a Fellow/Resident supervised by a Board Certified PS at almost any teaching Univ for 1/10 the price. I know I went to NYC School of Plastic Surgery and a tt cost $4K instead of $15K....I am going with the $15K doctor, but, it is available. Plus, you stay in the US!
   — heathercross

March 24, 2004
Yes, I am having a abdominoplasty AND a breast lift for $8700 in 5 weeks. That includes the hospital use ( day surgery) the post op garments, the anthesithist and the doctor.. The night after I have to stay in a hotel across the street from the hospital as I live an hour away. I went to KC School of Medicine Plastic Surgery Clinic. My surgeon will be the Asst. Professor of the Plastic Surgery Dept plus his Plastic Surgery residents. Look for your closest teaching hospital that teaches Plastic Surgery.
   — Connie M.

March 24, 2004
Call around and ask for a cash package most plastic surgeons have one for patients who don't have insurance and the price is usually what they accept from insurance. I know a lady who has lost 205 lbs and is getting a belt whatever they call it & her bat wings for $5500 that includes everything hospital, anestheia, and Drs fees and is having it done by a very well respected plastic surgeon. Nancy
   — nefish

March 24, 2004
I am going to Mexico for plastic surgery. My date is May 5th. I'm having TT, BL, Thigh Lift, and Lipo. The price is amazing! Less than $10,000. I had a consult with the doctor last Saturday and his office was jam packed with Americans. He is very skilled. His office and clinic look just like an American plastic surgeon's office - marble floors, slate walls, beautiful furnishings. The recovery rooms look just like an American hospital and the operating rooms are state-of-the-art. I went to MX for open RNY and was treated better there than I've ever been treated in the States. It certainly isn't for everyone but my experience has been outstanding. If you would like information, please email me. Oh, the doctor's name is Eduardo Gongora and his clinic is He reduces his rates significantly if you are getting multiple procedures and flying in from the States.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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