Can someone tell me

if after having a tummy tuck, your stomach notted up and got hard as a basketball. It will feel soft and normal and then all of a sudden start getting hard and blow up. I had the tummy tuck 1 1/2 weeks ago and had to have a blood transfusion because my iron levels were 7, my doc tells me normal is 14. I don't know if this has anything to do with what I am experiencing but any help I can get on this would help greatly. I will be returning to work after being off for two weeks. I feel fine other than just being a little tired and very swollen but that is to be expected with low iron levels. thanks    — gloriafb (posted on March 8, 2004)

March 8, 2004
I suspect this is from fluid in your abdomen. It can take several months for the swelling to resolve and to see your final results. This can be free fluid that shifts. You could also be having some muscle spasms. Keep active and keep good fluid intake. If your body feels dehydrated you will hold on to fluid. Good luck.
   — Linda Dianne E.

March 8, 2004
I had my abdominoplasty 11/18/03, and the tighteness I experienced was just like having Braxton Hicks during my pregnancy. I still have them on occasion when I do my sit ups or have a really busy day and real tired. But it is such a great feeling! Doctor says it's normal from the surgery and shortening your abdominal muscles from beng so stretched out. Good Luck!
   — EMN

March 8, 2004
My husband had a hemoroidectomy and anoplasty and he had the same thing happen to him. He'd be feeling fine then all of a sudden it would feel like he was having some kind of muscle spasm. He's about five weeks out now and it seems to have stopped happening. We just figured it was the muscles recovering from the surgery since I had the same thing happen after two episiotomies from pregnancy.
   —  SCbabe B.

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