Safe B-12 Shot Spot?

I just took my first b-12 shot. The needle is about 1 1/2". I injected it into the lower right side of my stomach(fatty part). It was painless. My question is could i accidentilly poke an organ and is the absortion good. I feel like my thighs dont have enough meat on them to poke that deeply through. Any response is appreciated!!!! Thanks    — Maria G. (posted on March 2, 2004)

March 2, 2004
Hi Maria, <b>PLEASE</b> do not give yourself another b 12 injection in the stomach! Any medication that you give with a 1 1/2 inch needle should go into a deep muscle. On your stomach, you could penetrate through to your intestines.<br> Safe places to use are the top of the thigh (there is enough muscle there...pinch it up), your upper arm, and you butt. <br> I suggest going back to your doctor (the one who gives you the b12 to inject) and have his nurse give you some training in giving injections. It's quick and easy to learn and will make this process much safer for you.<br> Another idea, is, if you know a nurse, ask her to give your injections. I am a nurse, and most of my fellow nurses do this, rather than self-inject. <br> Please be safe with this, for your sake. <br> Hugs and best wishes,<br> Linda
   — Linda S.

March 2, 2004
In order to be absorbed correctly the medication needs to go into a muscle. That soft tissue in the stomach is a fat layer and will interfere with absorption. You can get smaller (shorter) needles if you need to. But in my experience as a nurse you should be fine with that length - even if you feel theres not enough "meat". If you're not sure about where to safely give an injection I strongly suggest you ask your doctor. You can cause all kinds of problems - from nicking something to irritating a nerve by injecting in the wrong place.
   — Anne R.

March 2, 2004
Hi, I always get my B12 in my arms. Works well for me. :)
   — Mae B.

March 3, 2004
Maria, I agree with the other nurses postings. you can also ask the nurse at the doctors office to teach a family member how to give you the shot. but the hip and arm are the best places for this shot. best of luck, cathy

March 3, 2004
Hey Maria! How you doing, girlfriend? I give my shots in my upper, outer thigh. Directly in that large muscle. My needle is the same size & I barely feel it. Ladies, where are you putting it in your upper arms? I'd like an alternative site. Mid upper arm, or up next to the shoulder. Thanks!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 3, 2004
Karen,<br> To find the site on the upper arm, find the end of the bone on the shoulder. Hold 2 fingers against your arm, starting at the bone on the shoulder. Just below the 2 fingers should be the area with the thickest muscle.
   — Linda S.

March 3, 2004
Gosh, I'm glad I read this! I've already given myself 5 shots (1 per month) all in the stomach! I was told this is where to put it but in reading your posts I'm certainly going to ask again! My labs for B12 have all been in the normal range so it must be absorbing through all the fat! Take care and thanks for the info. Lap RNY 7/11/03 231/147
   — Shelly R.

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