THIGH LIFT recovery details, please

This is the third time I've asked for info on what the recovery is like for a inner thigh lift. NOT a TT! Please, do not answer if you have not had a thigh lift as I need serious help and answers.    — LLinderman (posted on August 6, 2003)

August 6, 2003
Go to the library and type in thigh lift. I found some people who had thigh lift surgeries there. I will be having my medial thigh lift August 13, 2003 next Webnesday. I will be posting my updates on my profile when I am up to it if you want to bookmark my profile and check back later. Good Luck.
   — Teena A.

August 7, 2003
Teena, I've searched the library extensively and the answers are very inadequate.
   — LLinderman

August 7, 2003
I thought the thigh lift was the easiest of all the many surgeries I have had. It feels like a paper cut, a stinging sensation. I was back to driving and going to classes in about a week, but I bounce back pretty quickly. I stayed two nights in the hospital, I had a TT at the same time. e-mail me at home if I can answer any specific questions. [email protected]
   — cindy Q.

August 14, 2003
I had a TT, a mastopexy, a lower body lift AND an inner thigh and calf skin reduction. Feel free to check out my profile.
   — merri B.

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