Average costs for a lower body lift...

I am in dire need of a lower body lift but quite certain insurance will not pay. I will still have it done, but obviously will have to pay. I know costs vary depending on the area you live (SC for me) and the surgeon, but I am curious of the <b>average</b> costs- surgeon, hospital, anesthesia and whatever else. I actually need work on the thighs, calves, hips and some lipo on my butt. I will be seeing a surgeon for the consult soon, but am just trying to mentally prepare myself for the shock of the the financial strain it will cause. ALSO, is the pubis area usually "tucked" during a lower body lift or the tummy tuck? Thank you for any comments!.....Karen (lap rny- 9/20/2002- 192 pounds, down 129 pounds!)    — karmiausnic (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 14, 2003
I attended a group meeting where a plastic surgeon came as a guest to give a presentation. Your very question was asked. He charged $17,000-19,000 for the whole thing (including two nights in the hospital). This is in Virginia. And the lower body tuck does include a tummy tuck (to adress ur pubis Q). But like you said, prices vary by area. I hope this of luck.
   — Laura R.

May 14, 2003
I am having my outer thighs and butt (some lipo thrown in) this Monday. I have had other plastic surgeries performed; however, my regular surgeon (my hometown) and a second opinion in Nashville,stated they would not do the entire surgery at one time. However, the doctor in Nashville informed me if he would do it all at once it would run between $12,000 and $14,000 for the entire thing. Now, I don't think this quote included the lipo or the hospital's portion. I hope this helps.
   — sheron H.

May 14, 2003
My lower body lift cost $32,000 for doctor and hospital. Excellent results...tiny scar the size of a pencil around lower body...hidden easily in thong undies. Dreamy results. Check out his web site at Very talented doctor.
   — lee J.

May 14, 2003
Karen, do you think you would qualify for the panniculectomy? I had that covered, and then added on the rest myself. It was much cheaper since the insurance covered the majority of the hospital costs, as well as some of the surgeon's cost. E-mail me if you want to know the details at [email protected]
   — mom2jtx3

May 15, 2003
Some surgeons are starting to do the LBL in two parts, to reduce costs and to make the recovery easier. First you go in for an abdominoplasty, and then a few months later you go back for the rest of the circumferential incision. This allows each "half" to be done safely at a single-day surgery center with no overnight hospital stay -- dramatically reducing the total price. If you do it this way, you can expect to have to the whole LBL completed for less than $10,000 (give or take, depending on the particular area of the U.S.). Another cost-saving option is to go to Brazil, Costa Rica, or Mexico for your plastics. There are some excellent Latin American surgeons out there who specialize in working with WLS patients. Even with the extra costs involved with travel & lodging, the prices for having plastic surgery in one of these countries are typically less than half of what you'd pay in the U.S., and the care you receive is often much better than what is available in most American hospitals. Regarding your question about the mons area, it's definitely something you'll need to discuss explicitly with your surgeon ahead of time. Experienced surgeons know that the mons has to be addressed along with the tummy in WLS patients, but there are many different approaches and methods. Have your surgeon take a look and make a recommendation -- just make sure to talk about it. Good luck!
   — Tally

May 15, 2003
$10K minumum from what you are describing. I'm paying $8100 for a TT and medial thigh lift, and that's after a discount. Save up and start working out now. Muscle tone makes a world of difference. Especially after I had my arms done. They are very shapley. In fact, my PS uses my arms on his website. My breast aug and lift was done at the same time as my arms, and that was $7000. I also had some lipo, which was $3200. Good luck, and like I said~~ SAVE UP, and think "home equity loan". It's tax deductable!! Diane N
   — DianeN

May 19, 2003
Hey Karen, I'm scheduled for a LBL on June 4 with Dr. Capella in NJ. I am self-pay and it will run around $11-12,000 for everything. Good Luck!
   — dcopehp

December 13, 2005
I just had a lower body lift done by Dr. Fuentes in Tijuana. The complete cost, including surgeon, facility, anestesiologist, binder, one night's stay at their clinic with an RN was $4600. He quotes individually depending on the person's body. He took of 5 lbs. of skin. It was a fabulous experience all around! So look into Mexico as an alternative if you are a self pay.
   — Karyn

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