Can anyone give me so info regarding a thigh lift?

Hi Guys, Can anyone give me so info regarding a thigh lift? How does the pain and recovery time of a thigh lift compare to that of breast reduction and tummy tuck? Better or worse? Linda    — LLinderman (posted on April 28, 2003)

April 28, 2003
Hey, Linda. I had a thigh lift on March 10th. I have the scars in my groin and down my inner thighs to my knees. This is the only operation where I have had complications other than a hernia after my WLS. I also have to say that pain-wise, this was the worse surgery I had. (WLS, tummy tuck and breast lift/aug). I'm not saying the pain was all that bad, but it out of the other two operations it was the worse. I'm having more complications with this one. I had drainage from one leg at the knee for over a month. The other leg stopped draining after two weeks, but developed a seroma which had to be aspirated with a needle about four times. Finally, the doctor inserted a drain in it and took the drain out about a week later. Now I have drainage from that leg which I have to stick a qtip in to keep it opened and draining. Also, I developed another seroma in that leg which got infected and caused some serious pain. We are going on two months with a draining leg. It's inconvient and irritating, but to be honest, I think its worth it because my legs look great. If you want to see pics, drop me an email and I'll send you some.
   — Lisa N M.

April 28, 2003
If you're talking a simple inner thigh lift I was told by a friend who has gone through ALL of those surgeries plus some that the thigh lift was a piece of cake compared to a TT. She drove home just a couple days after having it done. Said the worst part was the pain upon urination from the incision site but that she was back to work right away.
   — Shelly S.

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