Am I overdoing it?

I am 2 weeks post op and am able to eat a whole 7oz pot pie. Am I overdoing it. Today for example I had a 7oz pot pie, 6oz glass of milk, and a piece of bread felt like crap, but thought I should not have been able to eat this. Why was I able to eat all of this?    — E. C. (posted on April 1, 2003)

March 31, 2003
E, you shouldn't be able to eat this. I am concerned. What does your dtr say about your psot-op diet? What does your nitrionist say? I will tell you that for the first 3 -4 wks, I was only on puree and soft foods and never would have eaten bread or potpie. Keep in mind, you should never eat and drink together. Second, you should eat your entire meal in 15 min, anymore time is kinds like grazing and will allow you eat to eat more and "beat your stomach" Good Luck! Heather (Open rny 8/15) 305/201/150
   — heathercross

March 31, 2003
At two weeks you should not be eating bread and milk and you should certainly not be eating and drinking together. I am concerned because you seemed to have missed something here about the post-op diet. Also that is such a huge amount!!!!. You need to talk to your doc and nutritionist right away before you sabatoge your surgery.
   — Delores S.

March 31, 2003
I am thinking that you were able to eat that pot pie because the insides are very soupy and it all probably went through your pouch rather quickly. Especially since you had a glass of milk with it. That washes the contents out of your pouch rather quickly and that is why we are told not to eat and drink at the same time. And bread, it gets all doughy and balls up, so that's probably why you felt like crap afterwards. If you know what happens to things you get turned off on them. If I ate bread I know it would feel like a brick and I don't like that feeling, I learned from pasta so now I stay away from it. This surgery is for us to eat better choices in moderation, not test our limits and feel bad afterwards. The rules are there for good reason. I'm not saying I haven't broken the rules, I have done my fair share, then I find out why those rules are beaten into our heads in the first place! Live and learn I guess. Don't worry, you should be fine if you try to stick to the rules.
   — Dee ,.

March 31, 2003
I was told not to drink while eating.... so maybe drinking helped push that pot pie through. I would like to know why some say NOT to drink milk??? I was told to drink at least 3 8oz glasses a day! Good luck with your weight loss.
   — Beth G.

March 31, 2003
Not sure why no milk. My surgeon said one year out I can have it. I think it has something to do with the gas that some people get and lactose intolerance and even skim milk has sugar. But really not sure and I did not question since i don't like it anyway. The first surgeon i went to even went as far as to say the grown-ups dont need milk that it is just something that fills up your pouch. I just don't know though.
   — Delores S.

April 1, 2003
If you drink while you eat, you will wash food out of your pouch and be able to eat more than you should. Why no milk? Milk, even skim, is VERY high in sugar. As adults, we dont need to drink milk. Also try to stay away from bread for a while. It tends to "ball" up in the pouch. Dont beat yourself up. Just learn from your mistakes. Good luck to you. Sidney Open RNY 10-23-02 down 70+
   — Siddy I.

April 1, 2003
Two things are going on here. 1) Mechanically you are eating a hell of a lot more than I could at 2 weeks out. At that point, I was could only eat about a saltine cracker and a few bites of something pureed. You shuld ask you doctor what the hell is going on. Push him on this. You paid a big price in pain and financially too. 2) Ask yourself what is going on. Why are you eating until you feel like crap? This surgery is a tool, but you can certainly sabotage your chances of success by pushing the limits. Your big window of opportunity is now. Think of this surgery as a huge wave on a beach in Hawaii. You are the surfer. By working hard with the wave, you can get so much farther than you will if you backpaddle. The wave won't last forever. Catch it while you can!
   — Bobbi G.

April 2, 2003
Hey, wow, didn't your surgeon give you guidelines about what you should be eating 2 wks post op? It should only be full liquids, or pureed foods. Also, at that time post op, you should really only be taking in about 6 oz at a time, and definately not eating and drinking together. My surgeon said, while milk has protein, it also has has a lot of sugar that in most will cause dumping, also it's just liquid calories. Try sugar free Kool-aid, crystal light, or water. There is a reason they give us all these rules, while no one is perfect, I think in order to be successful with the surgery, it's best to follow them. Good Luck, Melissa lap rny 7-02 down #132
   — Melissa L.

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