Need Nurse: TT soon: Phentermine: cardiomyopathy

I would like to have a nurses' point of view. Its no secret that I have cardiomyopathy with an ejection fraction of just 34%. I am looking into having a tummy tuck around April or May. I have lost 83lbs and only 27 more pounds to go until I reach my goal. I want to lose as much weight as possible before the tummy tuck. I'm only losing 3-5 pounds a month at 9 months post op. I'm considering Phentermine to help me get to goal. There is NO way I would suggest this to my PCM or my cardiologist. But, I'm wanting to know what effects Phentermine would have on my heart. I can go down the street and get the diet pills, but I'd rather buy them online if anyone knows of a reputable pharmacy online that I could order them from.    — Skinny M. (posted on February 12, 2003)

February 12, 2003
I am a Labor and Delivery nurse but if I am correct theat drug is a stimulant NO WAY should you take that pill, It will stimulate your heart rate You do not say how old you are BUT I would increase my water and get out there and exercise more The weight is not worth DEATH DO NOT TAKE IT!@!!!!!!!!!!!!You have been through to much already!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — andrearnc

February 12, 2003
Hi there, This is only my opinion, but I have taken phentermine on two different occasions. I had no heart palapations whatsoever. Had good weight loss results with it also. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss.
   — Jennifer M.

February 12, 2003
I am a nurse. My suggestion-DO NOT take the meds with your cardiologists approval. It is more beneficial to have a healthy heart than a skinny body!!Please get approval first because sometimes these pills act different on a heart patients, and they may interact with other meds if you are on some. Be smart-talk to you doctor!
   — Jan S.

February 12, 2003
Dear skinny, please do not take the phentermine ,I am not a nurse but work in cardiology , Also my mom has cardiomyopathy ,your heart would be affected greatly by the drug .your ejection faction is not very is better than some but still very low .... choose life I mean get out and enjoy you are a beautiful woman .. All of this will mean nothing if you are bedridden from the cardiomyopathy,as my young and beautiful mother is now just think of your future ..good luck ,love yourself ... ...Meg post op 15months lap RNY
   — Meg B.

February 12, 2003
Minny- you already know that this is a bad idea, or you wouldn't hesitate to discuss it with your PCP & cardiologist. I'm not sure wht you would even consider something that has been proven to harm the heart, when your heart condition is already so serious. This seems like a no-brainer from you way you phrased the question. NO
   — Karen N.

February 12, 2003
I am a nurse too, and go with the others - stay away from that stuff! At nine months post op, and still losing 3-5 lbs per month, you are doing fine. I think you need to be patient and change the time frame for your TT. You may not like that, but you will eventually get to your goal without phenteramine. It is not a magic bullet, or everyone would be taking it. It is an appetite suppressant. You are burning a lot of extra calories at 3-5 lbs per week. Stick with it and you will get there!
   — koogy

February 13, 2003
I took phentermine for 6 months about 7-8 years ago. I had good results weight loss wise, but I started having dizzy spells, fainting, blacking out and having bad shakes. I went to a regular doctor who told me to flush the stuff and never take it again. The problems went away right after I stopped taking it. I know this is not what you want to hear, but just BE CAREFUL. It's not worth if there's any chance it could hurt you.
   — sheltie

February 13, 2003
Lets do the math, 3- 5 # per month, (take the average 4#/month) 27 to go, so goal in 4 or 5 months takes you to 14 months post op max to reach goal. (Didn't my Dr. say maybe 2 years as normal???) then you "might " speed it up a little with phenteramine, but be dead and not enjoy your newfound body. HHHMMMMMMM>
   — **willow**

February 13, 2003
My math cells shrank with weight loss, it would be 6-7 months and 16 months post op, and the rest is as I see it
   — **willow**

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