At 20, do you think I'll need plastic surgery?

I'm 20 years old and had surgery in May. I've lost 50 pounds so far. Before I had surgery I was concerned about having plastic surgery to get ride of excess skin, but many people said that if I exercise I won't need it because I'm so young. Well, I started out at 375pounds and I'm 5'10. So that's a lot of extra skin. Can anyone that's around my age tell me about their experience? Also, is there something I should try like those body raps or creams? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.    — Sarah K. (posted on July 27, 2002)

July 27, 2002
I was 25 and 286# and I need it.
   — Virginia N.

July 27, 2002
I was 25 and 286# and I need it.
   — Virginia N.

July 27, 2002
Well, I'm 23. I started out at 291, 5'4 and I've gotten really flabby. I'm planning on a breast lift and implants after 60 more pounds and the rest (legs, arm, stomach) will hopefully firm up as I am increasing exercise.
   — Angie B.

July 27, 2002
I had my surgery a year ago at the age of 27. I was hoping that I wouldnt have to have any plastic surgery since I am younger. I started out at 266 pounds, have lost 106 so far. I may not NEED plastic surgery, but I sure think I would benefit from it. I have been able to tone up my arms some with exercise, they look a little better. I dont think age has everything to do with it. Just like some women have flat tummies after having babies and others do not, no matter what they do. I talked to a friend of mine who is a plastic surgeon, and he said that there is only so much you can do to shrink the skin, that once it stretches so far for so long it doesnt have much elasticity left. I say, give it a shot, keep well hydrated, and work on toning exercises. Wait and see how things are once you have lost most of your weight. Good luck!!
   — Cory F.

July 27, 2002
Hi. I am SO HAPPY to hear of your decision to have the weight loss surgery at such a young age. You have your whole life ahead of you! I waited until I was 50. I am so grateful and wouldn't change my decision at all, except I wish I had done it sooner. If I were you, I wouldn't worry too much right now about plastic surgery. Just concentrate on YOU and an exercise program, proper eating, etc. and the plastic surgery decision will work itself out -- you'll know the answer when the time comes. Enjoy your journey. Enjoy your life. I'm so proud of your decision. You sound like one courageous young lady! Get out there and conquer the world!
   — Annie H.

July 27, 2002
I started at 5'8" and 386....I work out religiously and let me just tell ya, I will be putting some lucky plastic surgeon's kid through college. I want my arms, stomach and thighs done...possibly a breast lift, but they're not bad at all for the moment. I'm 23 (was 22 in January when I had my surgery done) and down about 117 pounds now.
   — Paula Prichard

July 27, 2002
Hi. I'm 5'10 and 375 lbs but I'm 45 years old. The things that you hear about skin changing are TRUE! It's like one day you have OK skin with OK tone and the next day, like the London Bridge, it all falls down! When I was your age I lost 100 lbs over 9 months. My skin was not too flabby but I exercised a lot and drank a lot of water. I was never able to get my tummy flat. I think that the slower you lose the weight the better the skin retracts, so maybe you should consider taking your weight loss a little slower. Nothing harms the skin more than SUN, fatigue, too much heat and dryness and smoking. Keep well-lubed (vitamin E oil) and take vitamin E supplements. Since you are so young you should do very well. Wishing you lots of luck!!
   — Rebecca T.

July 27, 2002
Hey there! This is also a question/concern of mine. I'm 17 and 390 lbs, having RNY soon. I plan on losing 50 lbs on my own before surgery (i have to wait until the month of my 18th birthday) and was told that will help a little in the excess skin department later on. I've seen people our age, in their late teens and early 20's, have just as much excess skin as someone older, and then I've seen others our age who didnt need a thing done and looked AMAZING! I expect I'll be somewhere in between. I think we're very fortunate however because of our age, our skin naturally does have better elasticity, and will snap back better than if we were 20, or even 10 years older. There isnt much you can do to prevent sagging skin, but there are little things, drinking lots of water, vitamin e lotion, exercise, and vitamins will all help to some degree! Also Ive heard that its best to wait 2 years after surgery before considering skin removal because the skin still has some shrinking to do! Best of luck there and continued success on your weightloss! woohoo for you!!! :)
   — amie

July 27, 2002
am 27 and still have not had surgery yet but asked my doctor how to prevent excess skin. She said most patients dont take in the nessary water requirements which is a big key to helping you firm up along with proper exercise and the right types of protien supplements. I suggest you look into geting some fitness magazine especially the ones with women body building tips am not saying to get muscle bound but they have great nutritional tips in there for retaing tight muscle mass. they have product info in those magazines too thaT ARE GREAT!
   — sheri B.

July 28, 2002
Hey Sarah, I'm also 20 yrs old, ..I had my open rny 6 months ago, and I've lost 114 lbs...I stated out at 325, 5'9" tall....I was really hoping I wasn't going to have any problems with excess skin, because of my age, but I have;nt had such luck....I still have about 50 lbs to go, but I can tell right now that I'm going to need my tummy done, thighs, and arms....which really really upsets me, because it's alot of money for my parents to have to spend, that and I'm not a big fan of having more scars, but I'll do what I have to do get where I want I guess. Hopefully you'll have better luck than I did. Good Luck! And congrats on the 50 lbs!!
   — Jennifer M.

July 30, 2002
I am 24 years old and one year post op. I have lost 130 pounds so far and YES I am going to need surgery. No matter how much exercise I get or toning I can't get rid of the skin I have,I was told this by my surgeon going into the GB. It's just to much skin. :( I am hoping for my tummy tuck next June.
   — karen Z.

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