Should I be taking 500mg everyday of B-12?

I'm taking the sublingual B-12 everyday. I keep reading different things on dosage. Is it enough or too little? Should I take it less often or twice a day to get 1000mg a day? As you can see, I'm confused! Also, I'm taking one Flinstone Chewable with iron a day. Is this correct? Thanks    — Kris T. (posted on December 7, 2001)

December 7, 2001
First of all I think every doctor is different. For me, I am almost 6 months post op and down 94 lbs. My doctor says to take 1000 mgs of B-12 per day which I take the liquid in the morning and then as far as the vitamins, I also take the chewable Flinstones with Iron. You can take and adult multi vitamin but I have just chose to stay with these as they are easier and plus I don't have to worry about getting a pill stuck. Good Luck!
   — Amy E.

December 7, 2001
And calcium citrate. At least 1500mg calcium citrate with magnesium & D. I'd do at least 2 of the children's chewables, though, not one.
   — vitalady

December 7, 2001
I take 1000 mcg of B-12 each day in the sublingual form and then take 3 Flinstones Chewables with Iron as I am chronically anemic (the folic acid type). I also take 1500 grams of calcium and 600 units of vitamin D. When taking the calcium, be sure and take only 500 grams at a time as anything more than that will just be a waste. The excess is not absorbed in your system...
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 7, 2001
Apparently every doctor is different when it comes to the B-12 issue. My doctor has us taking one B-12 a week or one B-12 injection a month. He went to the big Bariatric Surgery Convention with Carnie Wilson and the once a week thing seemed to be the norm. Get blood work done regularly and check your B-12 level. That is the only real way to know if you are getting the right amount
   — DeeDubbs

December 8, 2001
When I went to my local GNC store, looking for the sublingual B12 tablets, I had the cashier look in their book of recommended dosages of supplements. It said we need 300mcg's a day. So, I take a 1000mcg tablet every 3 days. More than enough, according to their books. I have my first batch of vitamin level tests next month. I guess I will see if thats working for me.
   — Kerry P.

December 8, 2001
I understand that our new plumbing does not allow the absorption of B12, by mouth, at all. (The bypassed part of the intestine is the only part that could absorb it and it doesn't come in contact with stomach contents anymore.) We were told we need a semi annual SHOT of B-12 from our family doc.
   — Sharon M.

January 14, 2003
My doc says to take 350 micrograms sublingual B12 every day. However, it's hard to find a 350 mg dosage, so he says you should take 500 mg every weekday, or 1000 mg on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
   — Amy V.

January 14, 2003
Sharon--you are partially correct. The part of the intestine that absorbs B12 is bypassed and that is why we must either take shots or sublingual tablets (the mucous membrane under the tongue allows the B12 to be absorbed into the bloodstream). I use liquid, but place it under my tongue and have good energy and bloodwork. B12 is water-soluble so you just pee away whatever is extra. I take 1000 mg daily but don't worry about it if I forget a day or two out of the week. I have also used the 500mg and think that is actually plenty.
   — ctyst

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