How long for the incision from LBL to heal and other ??'s

I had my LBL and extensize lipo on 11/1. After a few bad days I am doing a bit better. Scar line gets sharo twinges every now and then but I can live with it s they pass quickly. How long does the scar stay raw? When can you bend? PS said no waist bending to keep the back line intact (they have had a few ladies need to be resutured) Also I still can't get up from a laying position without my poor hubby pulling me up, how long before I can feel less helpless? I am still fairly swollen but see changes everyday and can't wait for my final results!Any input or advice would be great! Wendy    — Wendy H. (posted on November 12, 2004)

November 12, 2004
Wendy, It varies. My surgeon glues the surface and at about 2 weeks he had me start to pick off the glue as the surface was healed shut. I did not have any surface stitiches to remove. I did end up with a small area at the top of my butt crack dieing and he cut out the skin and then sutured it but about a week later it tore open so I had to pack it till it healed out, which was about 3 months. Other than that the incision healed quickly. As far as getting out of bed remember the moves they probably taught you when you had your WLS. Roll to your side and use your elbow/arm to raise you. Yes things will be tight but it will get better. Everyone's pain tolerance and recovery is different. You aren't even quite 2 weeks PO, so hang in there. I had a huge blood loss with my LBL so it was about 4 weeks before I felt even close to normal. I did go back to work part time the 3rd week but I also was able to come and go as I needed to, so that made a huge difference. Hang in there! It does get better and trust me the results are definitely worth it!
   — zoedogcbr

November 13, 2004
It must vary tremendously. I had a lbl on 9/11, and went home the same day, never had a problem bending or getting up and down from bed. altho I could sit, not for long periods of time or I got really stiff and sore in the lower back. I was up and down stairs the same day, and out walking the neighborhood in 2 days, Up to 2 miles by 2 weeks post op. By 4 weeks I felt good enough to go back to work but couldn't because my dr wanted me off 6 weeks because of muscle repairs, and my job requires a lot of lifting. I did not need lipo, so maybe that is the difference. the worst thing for me was the itching of the scar which still occurs. I still have numb areas and the really weird thing is that the numb areas itch like crazy, but I cn't feel my self scratching. I think it is the nerve regeneration.
   — **willow**

November 13, 2004
The amount of skin to be removed and the length of surgery has tons to do with the speed of recovery. Also the old adage, every body heals different is true. I'm a good healer but having 19 lbs of the largest organ of my body cut off and losing almost 5 units of blood was a bit much for my body to recover from quickly. Regardless of how fast we come out of the starting blocks we all heal and go on to enjoy our now shape.
   — zoedogcbr

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