Has anyone been placed on Aciphex post-op?

My doc just gave me 3 rx for Aciphex because he thinks I might have an ulcer or acid reflux. He knows I am post-op (15mos.) from RNY, but didn't send me to get a GI or any kind of test done. I didn't even think that a post-op RNY could have acid reflux. My symptoms are severe stomach pain and tenderness...I never told him I have any kind of "hearburn" or reflux. Anyone know anything about Aciphex?    — Jennifer C (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
I took this prior to my surgery for acid reflux, but I am with you on thinking that you shouldn't have acid reflux post-op. I know that it works really well though.
   — dl_roark

June 27, 2003
I was on Aciphex preop for GERD (acid reflux) and had to go back on it when I developed an ulcer postop (at 10 weeks). However, my ulcer was discovered during a dilation and I had no symptoms.
   — susanje

June 27, 2003
Hi: I'm 14 months post op and went on Aciphex. I had really bad stomach pain right below my sternum and off to the right a little. I had my gall bladder taken out during my RNY so that wasn't what caused the pain. My PCP gave me Aciphex and I took if for a while and it worked great. I only take it now if I get the pain back. I never found out what was causing my pain, but I did have some acid reflux once or twice in the middle of the night, and felt like I was choking on the acid. Woke me up out of a sound sleep. I just figured I had to much acid in my stomach, and since the Aciphex worked I was happy. I know that pain at times was pretty bad so I know what your going through. Good Luck and e-mail me if you want more info.
   — Donna W.

June 27, 2003
RNY only cures 95% of acid reflux cases. That's a lot, but it's not 100%. :)
   — ladyphy

June 28, 2003
Why couldn't someone have acid reflux after surgery? They are still using their stomach! Just because it is smaller, doesn't mean it isn't still connected to the esophagus, and that it isn't still producing hydrochloric acid and other enzymes to break down what they eat! Multiple things can cause acid to reflux back into the esophagus, or to irritate the lining of the stomach. The actual amazing thing is that so few of us have problems!! One thing you need to understand is that ANY stressor to the body causes stomach problems. All pt's in the icu or with chronic hospital stays are put on antacid type meds automatically. The one place any stress (physical, mental, emotional, etc) shows up is the stomach. If you have just had major surgery (1 stressor), then you have major emotional and mental adjustments over a long period of months (2 more stressors), you just have to expect that it will have a high probability to cause stomach problems! My surgeon put me on pepcid bid 20mg since surgery and I have thankfully had no problems with my stomach. Most insurance plans require you to have a trial of antireflux meds for a minumu of 2-4 weeks to see if your symptoms subside prior to approving a test. It is not the usual thing to do a test prior to being put on these meds. Aciphex is just a newer brand of these meds. Over simplified, it is similar to pepcid, zantac, tagamet, protonix, etc in preventing/healing stomach issues from reflux symptoms. Your symptoms are classic symptoms that these meds would be given for. Reflux symptoms can vary greatly from person to person. Before you know it your stomach pain should be gone and that's a good thing. Best Wishes. karen (9/2001, -150.5 lbs/146 lbs)
   — Karen M.

June 28, 2003
Reflux can be symptom-less. I never had heartburn, acid or pain pre-op but my EGD showed I had SEVERE acid reflux and it was causing Barrett's esphagus. I've been told by my surgeon that I will have to stay on protonix the rest of my life, even since I had RNY. I hope that isn't the case for you. Lisa A, 6.5 weeks post op lap RNY -44 lbs.
   — Happy I.

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