Please tell me what to expect.

having tummy tuck on Sept 26,2000 I'm more nerves than with the gastric bypass, maybe because i don,t know what to expect. Please keep me in your PRAYERS thank-you    — Lisa W. (posted on September 18, 2000)

October 20, 2000
No need to be too scared. You will be bruised and very sore for quite a few days. You will probably have a tiny seam encircling your navel and a wide seam just above your pubic bone, going horizontally form hip to hip. You may have a small plastic drain for a few days to prevent tissue fluid from building up and getting in the way of healing. You will probably have a self-controlled pain medicine IV pump, and you will be miserably sore but not in agony. There may be areas of numb skin for a while, days to months, until healing has completed. You will POSSIBLY have an elastic waist/tummy support to wear for a while, and no leaning backwards or twisting at the waist for a while. MOST OF ALL, you will have a tight, smooth, gorgeous new tummy! Good Luck--it's not so bad!--Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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