How long is it necessary to remain off work if you have a desk job?

i will be having an open RNY and wonder how long everyone has taken to recover. i would like to be back at work at 21/2 to three weeks. is this feasible?    — Judy C. (posted on November 27, 1999)

November 26, 1999
I also have a desk job and will have an open rny in Jan.2000. My doctor told me between 3-4 weeks. Hope this helps.
   — kris R.

November 27, 1999
Depending upon you pre op health, it is very likely that you can return to work within a week to ten days. Because of my circumstances, I went back to teaching the day after I got out of the hospital.
   — snicklefritz

November 27, 1999
I'm having open RNY on 12/08 and I plan on being back at my desk on 12/22. Of course we close the office early on 12/23 and then I'll be off thru 12/27 so that little extra from the holiday will be nice.
   — Morgan B.

November 27, 1999
I went back to work 2 1/2 weeks after my surgery...personally I would encourage u to go back after 3 weeks. U will probably have more energy then.
   — Laurie B.

November 27, 1999
I went back to my desk job part time after a week. I was more bothered by my co-morbiditied than my surgery.
   — vitalady

November 27, 1999
i too have had this same question
   — Robin S.

November 27, 1999
I had my surgery on 10/20 and was back to work on 11/19 - thats 4 weeks and I don't feel like it was too soon.
   — Wendy G.

November 27, 1999
I had my surgery on 10/20 and was back to work on 11/19 - thats 4 weeks and I don't feel like it was too soon.
   — Wendy G.

October 3, 2000
I'm two weeks post-op. I'm worried about going back to work in 2-3 weeks because I feel so yucky now. Hopefully 4-5 weeks is all I need. Congrats to those going back so soon, i guess i'm too old and fat to bounce back that way. Anyway 36lbs gone forever.
   — Wendy W.

October 3, 2000
Hi Judy. I, too, have a "desk-job" and had open RNY last March. For the first 2 weeks post I felt pretty "yucky" and was honestly looking forward to taking the entire 6 weeks off that I'd planned for following my surgery. After the 4th week, however, I was starting to climb the walls looking for something more than catching up on my soaps and cleaning out closets to occupy my time. Financially, emotionally and physically I was READY to go back to work. I checked with my surgeon's office and they gave me the go ahead and I actually went back in my 5th week post op. It was a little rough for the first few days and I did come home and nap for an hour or two, but after that it was smooth sailing. Resuming your work schedule at 2 1/2 - 3 weeks post IS "possible" , but I'd suggest "planning" on a longer time "just in case" you need it. You can always go back a little sooner than you'd planned but you might not have the option of lengthening the time off if you're not ready. Good luck in your upcoming surgery and God bless. cj
   — cj T.

March 25, 2002
I was off work for 3 weeks. At two weeks I still felt really tired, but at the 3rd week I felt fine.
   — Sandy I.

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