
i would like to hear from someone that had alot of excessive fat to b removed from stomach..were u happy with the results and please elaborate if u like THANKS,CORNELIA    — Cornelia W. (posted on February 5, 2005)

February 5, 2005
You might want to post this question on the, Plastic Surgery Message Board
   — cindy

February 5, 2005
I had a tummy tuck and breast lift 18 mos. ago and I am extremely happy with it. My stomach is FLAT as a pancake and my breasts are once again perky. I can barely see the scars now. I had a hernia from the WLS, so that enabled me to stay in the hospital a couple of days; otherwise, I would have had to pay for it myself if I had just gotten a the tummy tuck and breast lift. I lost 120 lbs before I had the tummy tuck. If you need more info please let me know. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

February 5, 2005
I had my tummy tuck done 8/11/04. I was so worried because I had alot of fat in the skin fold and around the belly button area. I still cannot believe how flat my stomach is and they only removed 8lbs. of skin and fat. I thought it would be so much more. I was so glad I decided to have it done.
   — ckreh

February 5, 2005
I dont know if everyone is the same or not but, I had a tummy tuck Sept. 2004 removed 3 and 1/2 lbs. When I'm standing up or laying on my back my tummy is flat and tight, but when I sit down there is a roll really pisses me off. I guess thats why all the before and after pictures are standing up. So I still look like crap in a bikini. Anyone else with this problem? And is there anyway I can fix it.
   — Carrie W.

February 5, 2005
I had my TT end of Nov. 04. They took off 15.7 lbs so I guess that was a lot. I still have some rolls too. Dr. said he took as much as he could at the time and after a couple of yrs. I will have another smaller one to totally flatten me out. Problems is, first one was paid for by insurance. Second one will probably not be. I do look a lot thinner but the rolls bother me too. But some panties and binders flatten you a little more.
   — Janie H.

February 6, 2005
I had my TT in March last year and they removed 28 lbs of fat and 2 hernia's. I'm flat as a pancake and no fat around my middle. I was home in no time and no problems so far. Susy
   — kysunshine

February 6, 2005
I had two large fat rolls, but they were hanging from the loss. Anyway, in total I think it was like 18 pounds of skin and fat. I have Before pics, During surgery pics, and After pics if you are interested. I had upper and lower abdominoplasty to get rid of the fat above my waistline and below know, the two rolls? Hurt like a b*tch, but it was WELL worth it, and my surgeon is fantastic...going back for more work this summer. :)
   — Paula Prichard

February 15, 2005
I have had 6 post op surgerys ibn 2 yrs since my open bypass..the stomach and pannie took off 12lbs of fat and was a breeze...I had a arm lift, face lift and thigh lift..all on different dates and the thigh lift was a killer...3 months of open wounds with daily nursing was enough to put a person over the edge....the wound was 5 inches and 3 inches deep and we had to pack it daily.....i was in major pain and had to use a funnel to go to the bathroom...with 2 grade school kids and a wonderful husband was the worst decision I ever made....The arm lift was a breeze..the eye lift has blurred my vision....the scars are larger than I thought, and I do have a pretty face.....The open wls was a I lost 190lbs...but feel that after 2 years of 7 surgerys it was not worth it....I am extremely depressed, have memory loss from 7 operations with major anasteshia, and complications with wound infections and getting hooked on pain killers...trouble with 3 hernia repairs.....I would never talk someone out of this,,,,but the result for losing weight vs. being FAT...I take the FAT..I feel like I've lost years off of my life with operiations and being bed-ridden.
   — irene B.

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