Hi. I am in a bind. I had a tt last January now want a baby

and now my hubby and I want a baby really bad. I know that there aren't any health risks for the baby and my question is what will my tummy look like afterwards. It surely couldn't sag like it did after I lost all my weight. Has anyone had WLS, then a tummy tuck and then a baby?    — mary0981 (posted on January 21, 2005)

January 21, 2005
I havent had it.. though I heard someone mention it 'can hurt' I personally would suggest you call your Plastic Surgeon and discuss it with him. He'll be able to tell you what to expect - pain? most likely it will be like if you loose more weight after a TT - it gets soft and wrinkled but no it wouldnt hang like it did prior to surgery. Most likely it will hurt but since baby is ususally gradual maybe it will not.. call your PS and ask... for sure...
   — star .

January 21, 2005
I became pregnant 3 weeks after having a tt. I gained 11# with the pregnancy and lost 17# at delivery. My tummy is not as tight as it was right after my tuck but it is tightening up just like my non WLS friends. A little exercise on my part has really helped. Good luck.
   — Molly G.

January 25, 2005
Hi, Mary! I had e-mailed you privately about this question, but I'm not sure it went through. ANyways, what I had said was that I met someone who got pregnant within weeks after her TT and said that after delivery, her tummy was not as taut as it was after the TT, of course, but certainly a lot better than the hanging fat and skin before the TT. She said pretty much what the prior poster said.
   — raye

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