Is it permissible to eat jerky?

I saw the post about finding a dehydrator to make jerky. Is it permissible to eat jerky after WLS? I'm 5 months post-op and I love jerky. Is it a good source of protein? Any information about this would be great. Please feel free to e-mail me. Thank you in advance. Kathy    — Katherine F. (posted on May 28, 2004)

May 28, 2004
It's a great source of protein! Yes, I eat it all the time...I'm almost 3 years post op, and have been eating it since about 3 months out. Enjoy the jerky, but make sure you chew, chew, chew! :o) Denise 316/158
   — lily1968

May 28, 2004
Yes!!! I started eating it as a snack at work around 3 or 4 months out. But, as the previous poster said...CHEW CHEW CHEW. Not fun when jerky gets stuck!!
   — RebeccaP

May 28, 2004
I practically LIVE on Jerky (yum yum yum) I order it by the POUNDS from (VERY tender jerky) You can also make your own jerky right in your oven if you don't have a dehydrator- Just do a web seach Key word "oven jerky, how to" It takes many hours- but well worth it-
   — WABBIT F.

May 28, 2004
Yes, Just make sure you chew, chew, chew.
   — Edwin H.

May 28, 2004
Oh what would I do without my jerky??!!! I bought a Nesco dehydrator and you can even make the jerky out of ground meat. There is a kit you can order and mix your spices with very lean ground beef, chicken, turkey or pork or venison and you put it in this thing that looks like a cookie press and make your jerky. The Nesco dehydrator has a blower that fits in the center of the machine and goes all the way through it so you can have your jerky within hours instead of days. I would not be without it!!
   — CAMFR

May 29, 2004
I ended up in the ER with a wad of beef jerky stuck in my stoma, and YES, I thought I was chewing, chewing, chewing. I was only a few months post-op though, so just be cautious, and even if you think you've chewed it to death, chew it some more :)
   — mom2jtx3

May 29, 2004
Yes, it's a good source of protein, and the fact that you do have to chew it to death kind of helps relieve the munchies. You feel like you're eating more because it takes forever to chew it right, and gives your mouth something to do. That said, do watch out for the fat in some kinds. Lots of them are really high in fat and might make you ill, especially the newer you are to this surgery. One thing I like is turkey jerky. I'm not much for substituting meats, but hey, it has so much spice in it you can't tell the difference. :) And if you're willing to make your own, you can control the outcome.
   — christied

May 29, 2004
I started beef jerky on day eight. But I chewed it until liquid!
   — Danmark

June 28, 2004
I am 6 Weeks out post and I have tried the jerky with no problem. Hummm I wonder if because I had my stoma inlarged alittle help ...
   — Tammy P.

June 28, 2004
Two things to remember about beef jerky: (1) Chew, chew, chew. (2) If you're prone to dumping, be careful when you first start because some jerky is cured with a lot of sugar. I started on beef jerky at about 6 mos. out and it's one of my great sources of protein and helps curb my hunger. I like the pepper brands, especially the kind Wal-mart carries.
   — Cathy S.

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