Help I am having cramps and Tylenol does nothing.

What can I take that is not prescription and I can get over the weekend to help. The tylenol doesnt even touch it and never has worked for me. I have taken some liquid motrin and it works great but I know that I am not suppose to take that. Any suggestions????    — Vitabella (posted on February 28, 2004)

February 28, 2004
Hi, Tylenol didn't work for me in the past but man, it works now. I notice I take it for anything and the pain is gone in 5 minutes. I don't know any other over the counter pain meds we can use post-op. Check w/ your Dr.
   — mrsmyranow

February 28, 2004
When I have cramping i drink some celestial seasonings tummy mint tea it has fennel and something else in it to relax your stomach muscles-If it is really bad I take 3 aleve which is the equivalent to prescription strength naproxen sodium in addition to the tea-Best of Luck
   — TotallyTori

February 28, 2004
I know the previous poster said she takes alleve, but I know that is on the list of things my surgeon forbids us to take post op, so be careful with that. I don't really have any better suggestions for you since I use the tylenol.
   — Patricia T.

February 28, 2004
Janeen~ I had the same problems with cramps and called the surgeon. He said it would be ok to take Motrin/ Ibuprophen. Only take it for severe cases and don't take it regularly. As a nurse I know that it can irritate the lining of the stomach, but just take it in moderation. Use it sparingly and drink lots of water. An old fashion heating pad works wonders also. Good Luck!
   — Hippynurse

February 28, 2004
Are we not supposed to take things like Pamprin and Midol? I have used these for over 2 years since my surgery, they work great and I have had no problems.
   — Cheri M.

February 29, 2004
I just had surgery Tuesday and my surgeon gave me a prescription for Vioxx to keep on hand. Tylenol has never worked for me and he said Vioxx would help with headaches, body aches, and cramps. He also said Ibuprofen would not hurt if only used occasionally, like when other things are not working.
   — Erin N.

February 29, 2004
Use a hot pack or hot water bottle. I microwave a wet wash cloth in a baggie and this works wonders. I personally take and occ Advil when I need it and haven't had any problems. (I'm 4 yrs out) I think everyone has to make their own decisions on that.
   — ZZ S.

February 29, 2004
I, like the others have been told to limit the aspirin and ibuprophen. My surgeon did say, that if needed, these things can be taken with plenty of water and not on an empty stomach. Actually, since they are most concerned with the pill sitting in the stomach and causing an ulceration, the liquid would probably be the best choice. I'd go by what your surgeon advises. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

March 5, 2004
Have you tried the bith control pill? I have suffered for years with horrible periods/cramps. I am an OB/GYN nurse practitioner and I am now doing the quarterly period - I love it! What freedom!! It's the next best thing to dropping off your uterus and picking it up only if you need it. How far PO are you? Do you have/want children? E-mail me with these answers and I may suggest something else for you.
   — Kerijohnson

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