Is there anyone who was less than satisfied with their abdominoplasty?

Just curious if most everyone is happy with their results.    — raye (posted on December 31, 2003)

December 31, 2003
As I told my surgeon, whatever he is able to do would be a 10,000 percent improvement. I had abdominoplasty and belt lipectomy December 22nd. My LAP-RNY on October 8, 2002 was a piece of cake compared to this. It hurts and I am still very tired. But....... the results are totally incredible and I never felt, not even for one second that I made the wrong choice. Each day will be better, I know.
   — Steve B.

December 31, 2003
thank you for asking the question. I'm having a full abd plasty jan 22nd and really wondering the same think. good luck if you do it. thanks steve for your answer.
   — Joan W.

December 31, 2003
I had a TT 20 years ago after losing over 100#. I was very happy with it from day one. Even when I regained the weight plus about 30 more I was still flat in the tummy. It went to my hips, butt and legs. Now that I have lost again my tummy is a little flabby but doesn't hang down at all. I had brachioplasty (arms) done in October and I am a little disappointed with it because though my arms are much smaller they still have some flab.
   — Tawnda C.

December 31, 2003
I think where you start off before surgery is important. Are you a person who is only slightly bothered with your appearance, or do you really dislike it? Can you name exactly what you don't like about your appearance? Are you at a good and stable phase in your life now? These are questions I want answered directly, or by simply getting to know my patients. If you expect perfection, or are unrealistic, then you may not be happy. If you look to others primarily for approval, then you may be let down. You owe it to yourself to gain a realistic understanding of the surgery and its results. By carefully going through this process with my patients, I rarely have patients who are dissapointed with their results.
   — DrL

January 5, 2004
I have mixed feelings on my abdominoplasty. My surgery was a little over 3 months ago, and I still have some swelling. However, even after all the swelling is gone, my surgeon has told me I won't have a totally flat stomach. The skin on my abdomen is slightly loose and I can pinch about an inch of it. He advised that he can do some lipo in a few months to make it flatter. He refuses to do lipo at the same time as doing an abdominoplasty, as lipo kills blood vessels and you need as much blood as possible to heal properly. I probably will eventually have some lipo done there and on my outer thighs, but I had a very rough recovery and want to fully recover (both physically and mentally) before subjecting myself to any more surgery. I also still have some fat on my hips, but I understand that's taken care of with a beltectomy. Although I kept telling myself that I wouldn't have the body of Britney Spears afterwards, I think I hoped I would, and that might account for some of my disapointment. My surgeon and his nurse constantly comment on how great everything looks, and those who do know I had the surgery (I told very few people) are always complimenting me. I'll never wear a bikini (too many stretch marks), but a tankini is a definately possibility. Still, it's an amazing improvement, and as I told someone recently, for the first time in my life, I'm not ashamed of my body. I also had a breast lift (worth every penny and ounce of pain, and then some) and a brachioplasty (I personally have some issues with the scars, but my surgeon and nurse have told me that I surpassed their wildest expectations with this, and think that probably within a year, the scars will be barely noticable). Keep in mind I'm a perfectionist and have always been highly critical of my body, so my expectations might have exceeded the reality.
   — Cyndie K.

January 5, 2004
My abdominoplasty changed my life. I went from having a 5 pounds spare tire around my stomach to having a nice flat belly that I can show off (and do!!). It has given me so much extra self esteem.
   — Patty H.

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