My insurance approved all costs of LBL at 90% - I only have to pay 10%.

I know that several people have talked about the lower body lift, and having to pay themselves for the procedure. Well, I don't have great insurance, but they just approved me today for the LBL, not just the abdominoplasty! Of course I was denied at first for the abdominoplasty, and then denied at first for the LBL, but the secretary at my PS's office told me that if the doctor will send in a letter of medical necessity, and consistent pressure from the PS's office, that more often than not insurance companies will approve. I just wanted to give a ray of hope to those who have been denied for various procedures. I'm sure it doesn't work with all, and probably some companies you have to be more persistent with than others. Just wanted to give encouragement to others who have been denied. Don't give up! I'm having it done on Dec. 19.    — raye (posted on December 4, 2003)

December 10, 2003
Hi Raye..thanks for passing on this encouraging word.
   — Linda B.

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