AMOS MOD has some more questions!

How many of you would like a seperate recipe board? If enough posters are interested in this it might just happen.<P> Some members commented on the Q&A question unhappiness for the new MB format. I am wondering what specifically you dont like? Format, lack of moderation? What bugs you with the new format? If its lack of moderation is anyone interested in having two SEPERATE MBs? One kinda anything goes unmoderated, the other moderated like it was in the past? Honestly theres another meeting coming up with Eric and I am trying to collect info for him. All of us want to make the members happy wherever possible. Your input is greatly appreciated and will help in this effort! Please post any suggestions here, THANKS!    — bob-haller (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
I think a recipe board would be great. I am always looking for interesting ways to expand my menu.
   — firelace

November 5, 2003
A recipe board would be great... I recommended one a while back but got no answer from anyone.
   — sunneegirl

November 5, 2003
that would be great
   — LeeAnn W.

November 5, 2003
Hi, Bob! I would love to see a recipe section. I don't cook much, and it would be great to have some new, exciting recipes that I could fix for my family and that I could eat too. <p>As for the message board, I'm pretty used to it now, and I like being able to follow certain threads. I also like scrolling through, and trying to post a message to those who have had no responses. Even if I don't have an answer for them, I try to post a message letting them know they're not being ignored.</p> <p>Thanks for all your hard work here!
   — Moysa B.

November 5, 2003
I would like a seperate recipe board
   — terri R.

November 5, 2003
I am pro-recipe board. :)
   — Dragon G.

November 5, 2003
It would be great to have a recipe board. I have alway loved to cook and it would be great to have new ideas for our new way of life. Thanks for all your hard work in putting all these things together for us.
   — Kimmie H.

November 5, 2003
love the idea of a recipe board!
   — **willow**

November 5, 2003
I would also love to have a recipe board on here also
   — wildbrat

November 5, 2003
A recipe board would be fine. Please allow it to be in a format that "easily" allows for "what you see is what you get" so if we hit enter, it will go to the next line down not like this board where we have to but in html coding to get it to move down. Also a search feature for the board would be great. <BR><BR> I wish on the main board there was a search feature where we could type in someone's name and find posts for them (Yes, I realize this exists if we already have a post in front of us from that person .. but sometimes I want to check on someone to see if they posted and have to go thru pages of posts). Also would be great if we could search the message board (even just back a week) to check on a particular subject. <BR><BR> I also would like to see a difference in color if we have already read the thread and all its follow-up posts. If another person posts to the thread, then it would go back to unread so we know more has been added. <BR><BR> I really like that when we post to the new format boards and someone responds that we get the response and a copy of the original message sent to us via e-mail. Could you automatically add in a link to that specific message in the e-mail? There are times it requires another response that may benefit others.<BR><BR> This site is AWESOME!!!!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 5, 2003
Hi Bob, I think recipe board is a great idea! I would also like to thank you for extraordinary committment to this site. God Bless!!!!!!
   — Lizette A.

November 5, 2003
Wow, Bob, your efforts (and those of everyone else who helps of this wonderful site) are so appreciated! Thanks for putting so much effort into making it the best! Yes, a separate recipe board would be great! Re: the new message board - (and I don't really use the MB a lot) it seems before when I got on I could just kind of peruse the messages and it was fun and interesting to see people's progress - and I kind of felt like I was making new friends when I would email some of the nice people. It just feels a little more formal now I guess. I'm no computer genius but I'm sure I'll figure it out and maybe learn to love it. I think having the two boards might be worthwhile - I really don't like it when people are feuding on the board but I suppose there's a place for that and maybe the unmoderated board would be good - I'd just hate to have a place on this site where people could be really nasty to one another - that's the total opposite of what we're all trying to do in supporting each other and learn from each other. Thanks again for your efforts - much appreciated!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 5, 2003
Bob, the MB is, to me, a little harder to navigate. You have to go through too many pages to see all the posts for a particular day. At least with the Q&A format we can click on the last three hundred and see several day's worth of questions. For me it's easier to keep up with!
   — Barbara C.

November 5, 2003
OH PLEASE DO A RECIPE BOARD! I can't think of anything else you could add to this website to make it any better, EXCEPT a recipe board! Right now I am just lucky if I find something. Found some recipes on Vitalady, but not much. People make new things all the time to adjust to our needs, they need to share! And I need to try them! <p> I just looked on the message board last night, I like it. The previous poster hit the head on the nail, it's fun to just look and read, and connect with people. But the Q&A is always my first spot to stop, I just open up to 300 questions and start reading, everyday sometimes more than once!
   — Michawn

November 5, 2003
Separate recipe board - PLEASE!!!!
   — Cherie A.

November 5, 2003
A recipe board would be a wonderful adjunct to the already awesome job you folks do. If at all possible, could it be set up so as to reflect seperate forms of food i.e. meals, desserts,veggies, drinks, etc.?
   — track

November 5, 2003
A recipe board would be wonderful! I don't mind the message board at all. I love this site and I tahk you from the bottom of my heart! It has been a Godsend.
   — Pat S.

November 5, 2003
Oooooohhh...A recipe board please. If possible can you break it down into sections. For example, recipes for new pre-ops...protein shake....and then the standard main dish, side dish, dessert sections. Thanks for all the great work!
   — Michelle B.

November 5, 2003
Hi, Bob! I think a separate recipe board is an excellent idea. I really don't have a problem with the new format of the message board especially once I realized that if you click on RECENT, it takes you to a format similar to the old one. Keep up the good work! Kalena
   — Kalena B.

November 5, 2003
I would love to see a recipe library. If they were on a board would'nt they just be temporary. I also would like to see a different color on the new MB for threads that I have looked at, otherwise I like it much better.
   — Gail O.

November 5, 2003
I think the new MB is getting easier to understand and navigate, but it's wicked busy over there. I don't think setting up moderated & unmoderated versions would work too well; we've already got boards for all the states, and different types of surgeries, but there's still not too much traffic on those boards compared to the "Big Kahuna" Board. ;-) As successful as AMOS is, eventually, I think the traffic is gonna have to start using more than one MB in a serious way, but you're gonna get us to spread out a bit more, I don't know. It seems like a nice problem to have, though! Congrats to AMOS for having such a very successful site.<P>I like the Q&A Board for variety. It's more focused, easier to skim through, and not as insanely busy as the MB is. Plus, you can skim through the last x number of questions much more readily than you can get through message threads on the Board.
   — Suzy C.

November 5, 2003
The recipe board idea is terrific! I'll be a post-op in 8 days, and I have just no recipes I can try for the family that I'll be able to eat.
   — Chyrl W.

November 5, 2003
A recipe board is GREAT!! I post lots of recipes in my profiles, but... not everyone reads my profiles! LOL! :~) I think it is an awesome idea!
   — Sharon m. B.

November 5, 2003
A vote "yes" for the recipe board. I am a horrible cook & am looking for ways to expand my culinary horizons. Thanks
   — j A.

November 5, 2003
Bob... I love the idea of a recipe forum... great idea... OMG I really DO NOT like the new message board format.... Let me try to explain why... With the old format you read and saw everyone's posts and pics and it FELT different... more personal somehow.. this new set up is like every board on every site and I basically avoid it. I miss the old message board very much... it was like reading notes from friends.. this feels different. Also I do want to comment on the moderation question.. I do not think that is an issue.. if someone writes something offensive I just pass it by.. but I have noticed more bickering and complaining since the new format came into use. On the old board I was always impressed with everyone's good manners and decorum.. the new format is more like a free for all with the long threads.. apparantly now anything goes! Pam in GA
   — Pam B.

November 5, 2003
I vote yes for the recipe board. i think this is a WONDERFUL idea, and something I'd use quite a bit. As for the new format message board, personally, I love it. The old board was very hard to follow up with responses to questions, that kind of thing... I use the new message board 100X more than the old board. Just my humble opinion.
   — April S.

November 5, 2003
hi just a quick note to say i would absolutely love a seperate recipe board. Hugs dawn
   — sweetdarling_ab

November 5, 2003
Most deffinately a big "YES" to the recipe page. That would be wonderful!
   — Cindy P.

November 5, 2003
I think a Recipe Board would be the BOMB! What a great idea! You guys do a fantastic job! Thanks!!!
   — Elizabeth L.

November 5, 2003
The old moderated board went too far. I always had my posts kicked because it "might" cause someone to cause controversary. That was the silliest thing I'd ever heard. It is not difficult to decently moderate a board. Name calling, off. The big seven curse words off. Religion, politics, solicitation of funds, off. Differing opinions, on. Good differing discussions on. The good thing about threads, it is easier to avoid topics that get out of hand. The topic about "down there" is important. It has been discussed here. It wouldn't have gotten out of hand, had the one person who used foul language not be alowed to post. It is that simple.
   — faybay

November 5, 2003
I would love to see a recipe board as I love trying out the various recipes. I've enjoyed many of the recipes posted on personal web-sites and this would be a great way to try different things others have tweaked along their journeys. <p> I LOVE the new MB format mainly because I can skip all the things I personally DON'T want to read about or can follow everything a particular person has said or a particularly interesting thread. I like the ability to do a search for what a person has written or if I want to have the 'feel' of the old board I click on the Most Recent Activity to the left and can see it in that format. <p> If there's anything that bugs me about the new MB is the lack of moderation. I certainly am not an active poster on the main MB, but even in the old format it was obvious that some posters were able to have things posted that others wouldn't be allowed to simply because of popularity. The bickering is definitely a turn off regardless of what format it's presented. Although I enjoy the differing views, I don't see the need to let them go on as long as they have been when it's obvious that they've crossed the line. When is enough, enough? I don't think a separate MB is appropriate as it would give the impression that ANYTHING goes on one board and the other would be severely moderated. As long as there is CONSISTENCY on the one board as far as moderating goes, it would be fine. <p> I concur with Fay with regards to the moderation. I think ANY question is OK to be asked regardless because if one person is asking it, there are probably others who want to know as well.
   — Click

November 5, 2003
Hi Bob - the recipe board is a fantastic idea!! I believe the board should go unmonitored. However, as long as the guidelines are posted, there should be a way to report a person who is seriously offensive (not the little whiny stuff or cattiness.... just the truly offensive!) And, the moderators could review the situation and act appropriately. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication you and all the others put into this site!
   — teresa M.

November 5, 2003
BOB, you probably know that i am a very outspoken poster so I slept on my reply before typing it. I think the recipe section is a great idea. But the mb has evolved into a mud-slinging free-for-all chat. Sure there is still a lot of great support postings on it but the number is about equal for the mud-slinging and foul language. I think it should definately be moderated as it was before and the rules posted every time a person posts. It has gotten to the point where a lot of people are afraid to express an opinion or ask a question because of fear of getting bashed or rude emails. A lot of the older more long term post ops have just gone away rather than deal with it. What you have now is a lot of pre-ops giving a lot of info about things they really know nothing about until they have had the surgery. As you know, it isn't always what our research says it will be. But the name-calling and etc over the past few days is ridiculous. BTW, you guys are doing a fantastic job everywhere except in the mb area.
   — Delores S.

November 5, 2003
I believe a recipe section would be great! As far as the message board, I have been on this site for over 3 years. I have watched the groupies, the attacks and unending support.The new format doesn't change that. I love the new format. I can skip topics or anyone's opinion that doesn't appeal to me. I can search a topic that I might be able to help with and respond via the board or email. Change is a good thing and the right to choose has always been an option at AMOS.
   — Janie C.

November 5, 2003
I also would really like to see a recipe board and along with a recipe library, just like the Q&A library, all of this would be so helpful, and bennificial, I hope we get both real soon! Thanks for asking :0)
   — wizz46

November 5, 2003
I think a separate recipe board would be AWESOME. As for the new format, I think it is great.
   — Carrie C.

November 5, 2003
Hey Bob. I'm ok with the new board but I have asked a question that has never gotten answered.... so I will try again here: When I post to the MB, I used to be able to submit my post to my surgeon's home page.... it no longer gives me this option... is this no more????? TIA gail -95
   — Bama Beach Girl

November 5, 2003
I think a recipe board would be fabulous!
   — Tammy W.

November 5, 2003 There is a recipe board!
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 5, 2003
Big thumbs up to the recipe board! I like the format of the new MB, in that it is threaded, and it's easy to just get a list of the messages with their titles, and then decide which ones are of interest. However, since it has become an unmoderated board, it has definitely taken on a different personality, and one that I don't particularly like. I always had felt that the MB was a greatly supportive and positive place to go for advice, or just to hear other people's experiences. Since losing moderation, it has become a catty, nasty, unpleasant place to be a lot of the time. I won't be visiting as often if the flavor of the posts of the past few days continues. I think that it's a huge loss to people seeking information and encouragement to have an unmoderated, disorganized message board. Go to chat if you want to say whatever you feel like. My opinion.
   — Vespa R.

November 5, 2003
   — Mary Jane C.

November 5, 2003
YIPPEEEEEE !!!!! WOULD LOVE A RECIPE BOARD......I am in a food rut....HELP :)
   — Joi G.

November 5, 2003
YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be so helpful!!!!!
   — Renee B.

November 5, 2003
yes, to a recipe board!
   — MissKimberly

November 6, 2003
YES to a recipe board! Also, I like the new format, however I did like the old format better for the simple fact that you could read running messages as they came in, now you have to click on one person's message to read the replies to that message. Before you could just read them as they came in. I think it's good to have moderators monitor the message boards. Sometimes people's feelings get hurt or someone gets offended and it can be easy to start a string of messages arguing back and forth and I think sometimes the moderators need to step in and say "okay, enough". Sometimes the message board gets away from "supporting". Not very often, but there's alot of people on this board and everyone has opinions and feelings, it's nice to have a moderator looking out for everyone. Just MHO.
   — beeda

November 6, 2003
I think separate recipe board is a great idea!!! I would imagine there are alot of post ops that are looking for new menu ideas. Good work, Bob!!!
   — Sharee *.

November 6, 2003
Would love a recipe board!!!
   — sherry H.

November 6, 2003
YES! A recipe board would be wonderful!
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 6, 2003
How about a place where everyone can upload their recipe's in WORD format and then we can just download the files instead of having to copy and past off a message board? <p>I guess I need to check out the new messageboard format. I haven't had time to use it for a while. I have always found it a little cumbersome to use to go back and look for something. Is it possible to be able to set it up to sort by people's names/id's so if you are looking for something specific you can find it easy. Also can a whole days worth of messages be accessed at once like in the middle format instead of limiting how many at a time. Just really slows things down. Now if that has already been changed in the new format ignore my comment.
   — zoedogcbr

November 6, 2003
Okay, I just did a quick look at I kind of like that format for the Q&A board instead of how it is now but that's just me. For a messageboard I'm unsure as I haven't used it yet. You can see lots more info at once which is great. Can you make the fields at the top live so we could click on them and sort by name? Also need a First button so if you are 3 or 4 pages into the list you can jump back to the beginning or even the end would be nice. Just to be able to maneuver easier. Hope some of this helps.
   — zoedogcbr

November 6, 2003
Okay, One mnore comment and I will go away. I just did some more looking at the messageboard and I personally like it because all of the messages are together for one subject, Before you always had to try and back-track to find out what someone was maybe responding too. So I find it much more useable and easy to jump in and out of when I don't have a lot of time to go through it all. JMO <p>In my opinion, I also feel you could combine the message and Q&A into the one thing. What's the difference if you are posting about how you are doing or feeling or asking a question. As long as the title is clear that would be fine. Also maybe it could have a "Q" in front of the title so people knew it was a question.
   — zoedogcbr

November 6, 2003
YES to the recipe board! I haven't spent much time on the new message board. I kind of liked the old set-up where you could scroll down through all the messages, although it took a while. The new one has a place for a desription of the type of message, but it's often not enough for me to know what type of message it is, and then you have to open it up anyway. If what other posters here are saying is true about the nastiness, then I think it should go back to being moderated.
   — Carlita

November 6, 2003
A recipe board would be good, but mainly I want to respond to the question about the message board format. I HATED the old format, because who wants to read answers without knowing what the original question was? Not me, certainly. (*grin*) As for moderation, or the lack of it---perhaps a seperate, "Controversial Issues" MB might be beneficial, so that the prudish or squeamish can avoid things they don't want to think about, AND those truly seeking a free exchange of ideas can do so without worrying about offending others. Both would need some moderation, to cull out personal attacks and obscene language, both of which I have seen on the current main board lately. (Shame on you, people!) I'd like to suggest that posts change position on the boards, too. Instead of remaining in the order in which they're posted, I like a MB where the top thread is the one most recently replied to. In other words, if some replies right now to a thread started yesterday, that thread is bumped back to the top of the list. Slow threads would slowly migrate to the second page as more current topics rose to the top. This keeps the more active topics on the first page. I don't know if it's appropriate to post this here---I'm not advertising it or anything---but this is a good example of the kind of thing I'm talking about: This MB is divided into many specialized forums, and the individual threads move up and down the board as I described.
   — MsBatt

November 6, 2003
YES, to a recipe board
   — dottykay

November 6, 2003
In reference to the new MB format. I think there are two kinds of users of the board. For me, I used it like a book. When I had some free time and wanted to relax, instead of grabbing a book, I would grab something to drink, sit down at the computer and scroll through the pages, just like reading a book. In 3 years, I have only posted there once. I just thoroughly enjoyed the reading. Now, for those that are more social and like to post, the new format seems to benefit them. With the old format, it just seemed like one big happy family, all on this board together. With the new board, there is now what feels like a "wall" dividing everyone. Also, there are frequently posts with 0 replies. At least on the old board, even though there may not have been a direct reply, more than likely the posts were read by most people. With having the "choice" to read a certain post, it seems a lot more "cliquish" and I am sure that many posts will not even be read by very many people. By having to choose to read a post, it just feels divisive. I hope I've explained myself. It's hard to describe an impression or how something "feels". With the new board, by separating the posts, we are in essence separating ourselves. Does this make sense?
   — Shelley.

November 6, 2003
I would love to have a recipe section.
   — lori D.

November 6, 2003
Yes to a seperate recipe section. It would be very useful to all of us. As far as the message board...personally I liked to old board better. Seems like it was easier reading and wasnt so divided. Now I find myself not reading the board as much and not reading some people comments because the title didnt sound interesting, I may be missing out on a lot of good info because I do not even open some of the messages. On the old board I would read each message, but if it didnt have any useful info I would just move on the the next message. So again, my vote is on the old board. I do, however, like the new icons though.
   — ToriJ

November 6, 2003
Definitely yes to recipes, but how bout separating it into liquids, full liquids, pureed, soft foods and all else. I think this would be helpful to new post-ops with suggestions as they move thru the different categories. I always see requests for suggestions on what to eat when nothing tastes good and they are tired of the one or two foods they can stomach. As for moderating the MB, definitely! I used to be a regular over at and left that board because it was not moderated well. Lots of threads where it was nothing more than nasty, mean, name calling and unsupportive comments. It did make people afraid to comment, and many posted messages with the title, "Please don't flame me" as that is what they came to expect. Theres a difference between supportive criticism and advice, which obesityhelp is known for, and down right unmoderated nastiness. Please don't let that happen.
   — Cindy R.

November 6, 2003
Recipes would be fantastic.
   — eaamc

November 6, 2003
Would love a separate reciepe board. As for the message board I liked the old one better. It is nice to be asked how we feel about these issues. Thanks Bob!
   — LINDA H.

November 6, 2003
I think it is a fantastic idea!!!!!!
   — Egyptianeyesdiva

November 6, 2003
Would love to see a recipe section!
   — LLinderman

November 6, 2003
Bob, I think the new MB format is great. I wouldn't change a thing about it. I consider it "semi-moderated" in that offensive and inflammatory posts are removed as soon as they are found. <p>I don't think it's a good idea to go totally unmoderated because that would bring out the worst people--nastiness and pettiness. But if it is too moderated, then it results in delayed posts that sometimes don't show up for hours. <p>The recipe board sounds like a good idea, but I don't know that it would be as widely visited as the current MB and Q&A. <p>Just want you to know you all are doing a great job. Your hard work is very appreciated by me and thousands of others who don't bother to say so.
   — artistmama

November 6, 2003
I would love to see a recipe section. I think most of us get stuck in a mindset of what we can't eat anymore as opposed to what we can enjoy now. So new recipes to add to my menu would be GREAT !!!! Maybe a section for newer posties, then sections for those who are further out and can try more variety in their diet.
   — tntwildlife77

November 6, 2003
A recipe board is a great idea. What would be even better would be if the recipes could be sorted according to the different post-op diet phases. I think that would be easier because instead of searching thru many long-term post-op solid food recipes you could go straight to the "mushy" new post-op ones.
   — vllgmz4

November 6, 2003
YES!!!!!!! :)
   — Danmark

November 6, 2003
I love the idea of a Recipe Board. I also like the current message board because I can now follow an interesting topic and keep current on the line of thought via the responses. I found the previous version very frustrating with a response to something that I had missed and it did not refer to what it was they were responding to. Most confusing. Love this site.
   — Arizona_Sun

November 6, 2003
I think a recipe board would be absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!
   — Jessica P.

November 6, 2003
Yes I would be very interested in a seperate recipe board
   — DIANNA W.

November 6, 2003
I love the idea of a recipe board. I like the new message forums they are more like the kind I am used to. Hopefully there won't be a problem with people posting stuff that the shouldn't, so the un moderated part doesn't bug me. Either that on the front page of the message board you could have different categories to click on, I don't know if I am explaining it So you could have different forums, that is what we have on some other types of web-sites I mod on. Anywho......I love the way it is all looking!
   — Saxbyd

November 6, 2003
   — Debi Rouilliard

November 6, 2003
I love the idea of a recipie board...That would just be awesome for everyone confused on what to eat....I actually like the new board because the old board got confusing who was answering what etc...
   — JenLynn

November 6, 2003
   — ~~Stacie~~

November 6, 2003
love it, need it, begging for it!
   — Leslie N.

November 6, 2003
I think a recipe board would be jsut the thing needed for all post ops trying to meet their nutritional requirements without dying from sheer boredom eating the same old things!!! My only other sugestionfor the message boards is maybe make one for pre-op to 3 months post-op and the other for 3mo post op and out... The interests change so much once you are post op... Just a suggestion... but as the Toby Keith song goes..."I love this BOARD" Susan Hardway 13.5 months out open RNY/287/162/135(someday!)
   — Susan H.

November 6, 2003
YES!YES!YES!...... PLEASE! :0)
   — Sixftmommy

November 28, 2003
Bob, I can't find the question you recently asked regarding member feedback about changing the Q & A board to a new format, similar to the one being used for the new message board, but I wanted to let you know that I just checked it out (bored at work) and I LOVE it. Even though my opinion is dessenting from the majority of others', I think changing the Q & A section over to this format would make for a fabu change. I love how pix are included with responses, too. So my vote - CHANGE IT! Ask the question again and have your Q & A regulars venture over to the new message's beautifull organized, and would really work well I think. I noticed as I was perusing it, there were even a few questions being asked. Hope you all had a great thanksgiving, and thanks for letting me share.
   — rebeccamayhew

December 10, 2003
yes, I would love to see a seperate recipe posting board
   — linda D.

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