I have had my wls and lost the weight, now need abdominoplasty. Where do I start?

I had gastric bypass surgery 12-2001 and have lost 159lbs. Now I need plastic surgery to remove all the skin that's left. My question is, where do I start? Do I go back to the surgeon and have him refer me to a plastic surgeon, or do I contact one on my own?    — mary B. (posted on August 15, 2003)

August 16, 2003
I didn't ask my surgeon, I just asked my PCP to give me a referral to a local PS. It's really up to you, if you feel you are ready for PS then make your own arrangements to see one.
   — bbjnay

August 17, 2003
One it depends on your insurance. If you have a PPO where you can self refer you can start the process your self. One good place is if you have a support group - find out who others in your group have used and how their experience was. If you dont have a support group - either of the suggestions from the other posts are good. If you are going to have other surgies dones (i.e. like I had (hernia done at the same time) you might ask the surgeon doing your hernia repair who he/she works with in PS. But I think the group thing is best; that way you can get an idea how the doctors work is .
   — star .

August 17, 2003
if you are in a support group, get referrals from people who have already had it done. you want a good plastic surgeon. i just had mine done and my friend recommended an excellent surgeon. the first one she saw she hated and another friend is using her and doesn't like her either. word of mouth is the best advertisment.
   — candymom64

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