Has anyone every had to have plastic surgery?

With myself being overweight and having the surgery done, I was wondering if anyone had to have plastic surgery to remove the extra skin on the arms and legs, and if the surgery was very painful, because I have a lot of extra skin and it seems hard to get rid of.    — Dana C. (posted on July 9, 2003)

July 9, 2003
This topic should definitely be in the Library if you want to search it. You must get any and all rashes, skin infections etc documented by your Dr. THis helps when applying for the procedure to the ins. Good luck. Jamie
   — Jamie M.

July 9, 2003
Extra skin DOES NOT GO AWAY on its own! It may shrink a little over time, but more than likely it won't. No amount of exercise will help either. Most people will have to have PS. I had an extended TT, brachioplasty (arms) and a breastlist done on March 31st and I'm SO happy that I did. It wasn't really painful for me. Yes, there was pain but nothing as bad as the WLS. I had NO pain in the breasts at all. The muscle tightening in the TT was the painful part but I didn't have alot of that done. Dr. said on a scale of 1-10, I was a 3 with the amount he had to do (he said I was built!). My friend had it done a week later by the same Dr. and had LOTS of tightening done. Said it was more painful than the WLS. So, it kind of depends on how your built, if you've had kids or not (I never had any, my friend did) and your muscle tone underneath. Its worth EVERY Penny I had to self pay (19K!!).
   — Kris T.

July 9, 2003
Start planning for plastic surgery now. You will probably need it. I've had a tt, liposuction on my upper arms and then a modified brachioplasty on them. The previous poster is correct. Skin does NOT go away. It just hangs and looks terrible.
   — Patty H.

July 9, 2003
I had a panniculectomy, mastopexy, calf and thighplasty and lower body lift, and brachiplasty...feel free to check out my profile as I wrote about most of it. Yeah, some of it was painful, but nothing I couldn't handle with some Vicodin for a couple of weeks.
   — merri B.

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