How long after dilation to feel better?

I am just about 13 weeks and had an endoscopy and balloon dilation this past Thursday to resolve a stricture. I heard the procedure was quick and painless but I came out of it in incredible pain in my lower abdomen (felt very much like labor pain) and nausea and throwing up (threw up blood because of the irritation to the stoma). I was rushed to an emergency xray and upper GI to make sure nothing was punctured. It wasn't. Afterwards they gave me pain and nausea medicine via IV and I soon snapped out of the writhing pain and misery I was in but no one could tell what the heck happened. Usually they say to eat soft foods and liquids for 24 hours but my doctor said 48 hours because of the ordeal it had turned into. It's about 50 hours since and I just had my first real food since, very soft fish and some mashed potatoes. My chest still feels heavy and the food goes down like a brick. Will this go away any time soon? Has anyone else had a problem with one endoscopy but then did okay later?    — susanje (posted on April 5, 2003)

April 6, 2003
I had the same procedure at 6 weeks out for the same condition. I hate to say it but mine was painless and relief was almost instant...once I recovered from the mild seditive..they gave me something to eat and It was fine. never had any real big pain after that. It sounds to me like the Dr. are a bit puzzled then? I don't have answers to what could have happened, but want to let you know that it is generally true that procedure should be painless and not cause significant pain or after effects. A side note: I've found that potatoes and starchy foods like rice or bread will go down like a brick for me. I'm now almost 9 months out and have trouble with these foods. I hope things work out for you.
   — Scott L.

July 18, 2003
I had the same problem that you had after dilation.......They said the cause was 2 things...My new stomache got irritated and started spasming and secondly....when they put the scope in they also push some air in to see better, this caused my old stomach to bloat with gas causing pressure on my new pouch.
   — jennifer A.

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