Do you count your carbs?

How many carbs are you post-ops taking in daily? Or do you worry about the carbs? Thanks a bunch! Josii*    — meltedbuttr (posted on February 4, 2003)

February 4, 2003
josii, I count my carbs, I COUNT EVERYHTING..probably will till I hit goal, then I won't. I use to do all this. I try to stay below 20g of carbs per day. Heather (Open RNY 8/15/02 - 305/214/150)
   — heathercross

February 4, 2003
Josii~My nutritionist said that its not needed to count carbs. She said the only thing I should look out for is how many carbs are in per serving because she said over 30g's gives me a chance of dumping. Ive tried to stay under 30g going with what people had said here and I told this to my nutritionist and she laughed and said dont do it because everything will be boring and bland..just dont eat your carbs first in your them for last if possible. HOpe this helps!
   — sandrac131

February 4, 2003
I have never counted carbs. I eat just about everything that I ate pre-op just in a different order and smaller portions. For example, last night we had chicken parm with spaghetti for dinner. I ate the chix parm first and with what room I had left over I had five or six bites of spaghetti. Or I will eat a steak first then a couple of bites of potatoes and veggies. I do make sure that I get in 60 grams of supplemental protein in addition to the protein that I get from food. The extra protein keeps my metabolism high so that I still lose with the carbs. It has worked well. I hit goal in less than 6 months. And at 8 months I went from a size 24 to a 4. I have a lot more details in my profile.
   — Linda A.

February 4, 2003
I don't count them as much as I keep an eye on them. If I start to feel bad, I up my protien. Most of the time I just make sure to eat my protien first, and that takes care of it.
   — Cara F.

February 4, 2003
I eat what I want with this in refined sugar at all, rarely pasta, potatoes, and bread. No rice. Most of the reason that I do not eat these are more or less they don't like me anymore! I do not count carbs but I stay aware of what I am eating. I eat protein first and then maybe some carbs. I snack within reason...sometimes I am still unreasonable!!! Open RNY (02-23-02) -147lbs. 20lbs to go to goal, starting weight 317lbs. I would like to get down to 135 but my doc says 150 is ok wiht him. I am still losing steady with a few plateaus....see my profile for charted loss.
   — Oldsoul

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