I have a question regarding vitamins specifically for wls-vit4life, vista etc.

My understanding is calcium & iron shouldn't be taken together. Should additional calcium citrate and/or iron be taken with these? Also, there seems to be a lot of Vit. A in these. Thx in advance..    — mary V. (posted on September 7, 2002)

September 7, 2002
I prefer to take the "component" method, where I take the vites/minerals specifically needed by RNY, but I control the dosage, based on my latest labs. The basic elements are set forth, but the amount taken varies as time goes on. We do need higher than average calcium citrate, so whatever you do, please do at least 1500mg (RDA is 1000 or 1200 or 1500--seems to depend on the day of hte week!). I personally think that 2000mg is safer.
   — vitalady

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