My surgeon just submitted the codes for me to have a Panniculectomy and Hernia repair

I wanted to know if the surgeon has to go through the origional incison of my Gastric Bypass to fix the incisional hernia I have. It is about the size of a baseball or softball. I really don't want to have a anchor incision on my stomach (hernia repair and TT). My incision scar is only about 5 inches long and is now starting to fade almost a year post op. Any answers?    — Dawn H. (posted on June 19, 2002)

June 19, 2002
Dawn, I had an incisional hernia repair done at about 10 mos post op(in Jan 2002) and the surgeon opened up my entire incision again to repair the hernia, but the scar healed wonderfully, once again...
   — Bonnie S.

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