HELP! I have a seroma for two months and would like some advice....

I developed a seroma two months ago and have been seeing my doctor weekly for care. My skin will heal then it will fill back up with fluid. I have to go back and have him open it so it can drain. I am getting tired of the annoyance of the seroma. Does anyone have any suggestions? I am aware it does need to heal from the inside out. Mine is not doing this. Has anyone else experienced this? Please give me some advice. Thanks in advance    — kelly7275 (posted on June 13, 2002)

June 13, 2002
Is the doc able to insert a very tiny drain to avoid fluid build up and to facilitate healing? Worth asking I think. But remember, this too shall pass! Best wishes.
   — Ann B.

June 13, 2002
I know how frustrating it can be i had two seromas draining off and on for 4 months i thought they would never heal. What finally worked was once it was drained i put peroxide on it daily and that seemed to heal it up pretty quick after that. Good Luck!
   — Tammy N.

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