I take Prozac weekly and it's been great. Will I still be able to take it post op?

   — Holly H. (posted on April 26, 2002)

April 26, 2002
Hello! I'm still preop, but take an antidepressant myself and the Psych said that 4 antidepressants come in liquid form, Prozac being one of the 4. Of course, you can always crush the pills, but I kind of thought the liquid might absorb better while a newbie. Best of luck . . .
   — Lisa W.

April 26, 2002
Generic prozac is easier to take. Prozac weekly is probably timed released and won't work.
   — faybay

April 26, 2002
I have to disagree with Faye on the effectivness of the Prozac weekly. I took it for 2 months after having taken regular generic prozac for a long time. I loved the weekly and it didn't seem to work any less for me. Problem? My insurance wouldn't cover it due to it's expense. Wanted me to take generic. I think that after surgery, you will have to try and see if this is gonna work for you. Each body is most likely different. Good luck to you in your journey.
   — Barbara H.

April 26, 2002
I take it daily and I am 7 months post op. It seems to work better if I do it daily and not weekly. I do not take the generic it is in a pill form and not a capsel(sp? it is early in the morning sorry) it melts faster in my pouch. Good luck!
   — nkoehler88

April 29, 2002
I have great insurance and my cost is really low for perscriptions. In fact, it's free for generic and $3.00 for "brand names". As I am slowing approaching 2 years out- I found I was a little more depressed , expiriencing major mood swings and came to the conclusion that I may not be asobring my generic Prozac capsules- so I just switched to liquid "real" prozac just to be sure I was. It has done wonders lately; I have been on Prozac for close to 4-5 years, now. I think I am getting the "intended effect" now.
   — Karen R.

April 30, 2002
I had been taking the Prozac daily but after my RNY surgery I was having a hard time swallowing pills. My WLS Dr. recommended the weekly Prozac. It's only been 4 weeks but so far so good. I can't imagine that she'd recommend it if it wouldn't be absorbed well. Good Luck.
   — Leah H.

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