What is the longest time given to recover after an open rny?

I have a consultation with the surgeon next month, yet I am curious about recovery time after an open rny. My job is a 1-2 hour + commute. (I live in Los Angeles). I can't imagine getting sick at work & having to deal with the ride home or having to explain to the physician at my work site why I have to leave. They may not even allow me to leave ill without someone driving out there to pick me up. I want to make sure I stay off work the maximum alloted time. Is about 6 weeks normal? Thanks in advance to any suggestions:)    — mary V. (posted on January 9, 2002)

January 9, 2002
I would definitly take the full 6 weeks off if you can.This gives you plenty of recoup time. Not every surgery is alike and you could have clear sailing or you could have problems post-op. I recommend the full 6 weeks.
   — Connie Z.

January 9, 2002
Tomorrow will be a month since my open RNY. I really dragged the first 3 weeks, over this past weekend, my energy has really begun to pick up. Today, I had my first taste of that energy rush that I had heard so much about. And boy, did my house need it!! I realize that I still am recovering, so I'm still being real careful about lifting, getting enough rest, etc. but I have to say, I'm feeling great! Good luck to you!
   — Donna L.

January 9, 2002
I was told by the surgeon 6 - 8 weeks... I had intended to take the full 8 weeks (my job is very physical), but at 5 weeks I found out my ventra hernia had blown out so was back in having surgery again. After that surgery, I again intended to take the full 8 weeks. Luckily since I am self employed, I have not had to return to work yet. It has been about 14 weeks total since the last surgery and I am just now thinking of starting back up. I have heard with desk jobs you can go back relatively soon... but only you know what your limitations are.
   — Kellie Jo B.

January 9, 2002
I am six weeks post-op, open RNY. I was released to return to work on the 12th day post-op (also released to drive at that time). That was on a Tuedsay - because I had my surgery in a town 3 1/2 hours from where I live, I couldn't get home before the weekend (had to wait for someone to come get me as I didn't have my car). Therefore, I didn't return to work until the following Monday. I have a desk job so my work isn't physically stressful. I worked a full eight hours the first day back and haven't missed any since except for one day when I had a respiratory thing starting and my doctor wanted me to stay home til the antibiotics got a good start - luckily that was a Friday and I didn't have to miss but one day. So, I guess it depends on the individual and how quickly you recover. My surgery and recovery has been completely complication free and I can not even imagine having to stay home for six weeks. I would have gone nuts. By the way, my energy level far surpasses what it was pre-op. Patty
   — Patty_Butler

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