Can we use nasal decongestant spray post-op?

I have seasonal allergies and use a nasal decongestant spray once or twice a day and was wondering I can continue post-op. Thanks, Christine LAP RNY 12/20/01    — crishsapig (posted on December 8, 2001)

December 8, 2001
Good question... but I would really call your surgeon and ask him. Some say it is ok to continue with your normal daily meds as long as they know in advance what it is you will be taking, mine however said to not take anything at all for 24 hours prior to the surgery... the only med I was told I could come into the hospital with was my estrogen patch that I place on my inner thigh. But I didn't even do that, I just ceased all my meds and figured I could start them again the day after. Good luck!
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 8, 2001
I continued my allergy spray, flonase, up until the day of surgery. Then continued after the surgery. They didn't have a problem with it. I would definitely speak to your surgeon about meds.
   — Cheri M.

December 8, 2001
I do.
   — Danmark

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