How long is the recovery period after Lap surgery?

I'm changing jobs and will be having a Lap RNY. I need to give my new employer some idea of how long I'll be out. For those who had a Lap RNY, how soon were you able to return to work? Thanks! Tonya    — ellton (posted on March 6, 2001)

March 6, 2001
I have a desk job and was back to work in one week. (I have a job that I can wear jeans/sweats to - no public contact so that was nice. I did tell my boss that I wouldn't be able to travel for about 1 month and know now that I could and be fine.) I wasn't tired at all during the work day. I am now three weeks post-op and find myself going to bed around 10:00 each night, but still having no problems with sleepiness during the day as many post-ops do. My energy level has never been better. Good luck to you.
   — T.L. S.

March 6, 2001
Leave yourself at least 3 weeks, even 4 if you can. I had my Lap RNY on 1/22/01 and went back to work in 4 weeks. You need time to heal and get your energy back. I've heard of people going back in 2 weeks, but there was no way I could have. Good luck!
   — Jacki Z.

March 6, 2001
I had my surgery 2/19/01.with a return date of 3/5/01. Which is 2 weeks. I could have gone back the week prior, thats how good I feel. I would rather be at work, busy ,then be at home and deal with Head Hunger which I am having...............
   — Karen O.

March 6, 2001
I returned to a full-time office position only 8 days after my lap RNY. My daughter returned to full-time teaching of 4 year-olds in 14 days. Those time frames worked well for us, but remember that each patient reacts differently to surgery and general anesthesia. A laparascopic surgery allows for less pain and faster recovery, but is major surgery nonetheless. The body generally requires six weeks for complete healing, inside and out. Listen to your body; don't over-do too quickly; give yourself opportunities for adequate rest periods and sleep; follow your surgeon's guidelines for lifting and resuming normal activities of daily living. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

March 6, 2001
Hi, I went back to work part time 2 weeks after surgery. My job requires 10-14 hr days so I didnt want to jump right into that many hours. I went back full time after 4 weeks and have been doing fine. I would say, don't push yourself, tell them 4 weeks..then if you come back sooner no one will be angry :) .
   — Eva C.

March 8, 2001
I had lap RNY on Thursday, Feb. 22. I returned to work full time, as a school teacher on Wednesday, Feb. 28. I really felt great by Thursday, March 1. I am still feeling wonderful!
   — Bridgette C.

June 30, 2001
I had my Lap RNY on 05/31/01 and was released to go back to work and to the gym on 06/14/01.
   — Wendy C.

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