my kids are 6,3,and 11mo.-how long will I need help after surgery?

Am worried about how many weeks I need to arrange to have people help me before I will be able to care for my kids myself. I am planning to have open RNY. My husband can only take off work 1 week and that will be used up while I am in the hospital mostly. I know everyone is different but would love to hear from anyone who can give me an idea of how debilitated I will be in the early weeks.    — Cheryl W. (posted on August 25, 1999)

August 25, 1999
Related to your question on how long you will need assist post gastric surgery I also had my surgery done open I would advise you not to have your husband take off work while you are in the hospital,but wait to take his week off once you are home Remember that you will not be able to lift anything over 5lbs after surgery and having to care for 3 children will be diffficult you will need assist for at least 2 full weeks the adjustment post surgery is bery stressful at times and having your support system available for at least 2 weeks is advised good luck my prayers are with you Beth Klemm RN [email protected]
   — beth K.

August 25, 1999
I'd plan on a month of as much help as I could scrounge up, if I were you.
   — Bruce B.

August 25, 1999
You will need help for a couple of weeks, by then you should feel well enough to take care of them yourself. Why not have your husband take off the day of surgery, but use the rest of the time for when you are home? I did that, and it made a world of difference. He will be needed more after you get home then when you are in the hospital.
   — [Anonymous]

August 25, 1999
Hi Cheryl, I had my surgery on October 23, 1997. I babysit and started back two weeks after my surgery. I lifted a one year old , not quite 18 pounds to put her in the crib for a nap and ended up with three hernias. I thought I was being so careful too. Anyway it gave me a good excuse to have a tummy tuck done later when the hernias were repaired. I should have waited the whole 6 weeks before I started back to work. But my check book balance let me know I couldn't wait. I would say that you will probably need some help for a couple of weeks after you get home especially with lifting the two little ones.
   — Ellen M.

August 25, 1999
I had a 4 year old and did home daycare at the time of my WLS. I was ok on my own with the 3 kids after 1 week.
   — Donna D.

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