5 weeks post-op from panniculectomy and I am exhausted

I started back to work last week and I feel pretty good, but the past 4 or 5 days I am passed out on the couch by 8pm and this morning I overslept because physically my body was just exhausted. Is this normal? Should I be checked for anything? I don't remember this type of exhaustion this far post-op with my rny. thanks for your help!    — Pamela P. (posted on December 9, 2002)

December 8, 2002
get your labs checked, after losing so much tissue, you have lost lots of blood and may still be a little anemic. Good Luck
   — Vicki L.

December 8, 2002
I remember getting tired easily for several weeks after my tt. You might want to get a B-12 shot, and if you don't feel better in a few days get your labs checked.
   — cindy Q.

December 9, 2002
You should be getting more energy, not less as time goes on. I don't want to scare you but that was my symptom, getting more tired each day and I had a bleeder. So get checked out right away. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

December 9, 2002
Protein, iron, and B12 levels should all be checked. Even if you pre-loaded with extra, you may still have used up any excess you had.
   — vitalady

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