I had a adominaplsty on 6-25-02 my drains rejected exactly one week later

so they had to be removed due to tremendous pain and leakage. at two weeks post-op most of the staples were removed i'm healing really nicel other than this section above my pubic area which is about 6 inches that has opened back up and still drains like crazy everyday. when will this awful draining stop so that part can finish the healing process? and also sometimes my tummy swells so bad that it feels as if it's going to burst right open. When does the swelling stop so that I can get rid of this binder for good. I want to see the results from this TT so bad. When will I get to wear normal clothes again? All respones on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Bree    — Brigit B. (posted on July 15, 2002)

July 16, 2002
Hi Brigit, I had my TT on April 16th. I just saw the surgeon yesterday and he said everything is looking fine. I even still have a bit of swelling but it is soooo much better than when I first had it done. I thought like you for the 1st month and a half. I never thought I would see the results. I was in a size 14 before surgery and now 12's are too big for me. Try to be patient. You'll see results. I saw my before pics yesterday and .....WOW did I have an apron!!! They took 5 lbs of skin off and yes, those drains are a headache. I had mine in for 2 weeks and it still itches and is irritated where the drain went in. So to sum it up, keep your head gets better. You'll LOVE it!
   — Gina L.

July 16, 2002
Bree, please tell me you've been in to see your surgeon and find out that things are REALLY okay and that you don't have any infection?? My surgery was MASSIVE and I went home with 4 drains (surgery 6/12). I haven't had really any drainage since week 3 when my last two drains came out. Occassionally out of the original drain site I had "spotting", lasting maybe a week afterward. But that was really minor. The one thing I'm struggling with now is INFECTION. It was explained to me that the main swelling and potential for the skin infections is due to the cut lymph ducts that now have to heal back together to allow your body to drain off fluids building up in the tissue. I continue to go into my PCP having the infected site checked and they also check me every time for puss pockets under the skin. Today I was told I would continue to be at risk for infections for another month. So for that reason I really hope you're seeing a good doctor. I'm with you as far as swelling goes but it never is excrutiating for me as you described, but I can't imagine going without my bindings yet for support. Wishing you good health. Shelly
   — Shelly S.

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