Has anyone had breast reduction surgery after your wls, or before?

I have just begun in the wls process. I know i fit the criteria, but haven't been to my doctor yet. I go Dec 4th. I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon about a brest reduction before that, should I wait until i see if i can have the wls first or go ahead with the reduction? Thanks for any help    — Nicky B. (posted on November 13, 2001)

November 13, 2001
STOP THE BREAST REDUCTION PROCEDURE!!! The weight loss in boobs, so I'm told, is huge. I had breast reduction years ago, and when I gained weight, they got huge, and when I lose weight, they just kinda hang there. If you are having WLS, then I would definitely wait at least until you hit your goal and level out. That way, you won't ruin the breast reduction when you lose weight. I'm having my WLS surgery in 3 days... I can tell you now that I plan on having another breast reduction operation when I lose my weight.
   — Janet C.

November 13, 2001
Nicky... wait until you have lost at least 80 to 85% of the weight you want to lose, as you will lose a lot of weight in your breast. I did have a breast reduction after I lost my weight back in 1992. I had a VBG and then one year later I had the breast reduction and abdominal plasty. My insurance convered the breast reduction because of the medical problems I was having. I did lose a lot of weight in my breasts, but I was huge to start with. Prior to the stomach stapling my breasts were 50 III (Triple I) At surgery I was a 40 G. They were all loose skin with some tissue by my belly button!!!! LOL..... My advice wait until you lose nearly all you weight. Course I say all this and I have no idea where you are starting with your breast size and how much weight you intend to lose. Good luck and email me anytime if you have questions. It was the best thing I ever did and I would do it again!
   — Pamela W.

December 2, 2001
Hi, I am preop right now, waiting on ins. approval. I have a breast reduction in 1997. I am now thinking of the irony, I have a feeling I am going to need to have implants once I have the surgery and loose the weight. I would definatley wait till after your surgery, you may find you will want just the opposite when all is said and done.
   — Christy R.

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