Do I really need to wait this long for a TT?

I just saw a plastic surgeon this morning and he said I should wait at LEAST 9 more months before I have the TT done so all my skin will tighten up on its own first. March will be 1 year out for me. So he thinks 18 months is MINIMUM. Is this what you've been told? I see another one tomorrow.    — Robby E. (posted on January 22, 2003)

January 22, 2003
I had mine at 8 months out. I had lost 100 pounds and had 20 to go. I lost ten of it the week of the TT. I have been really pleased with my results. I have lost another 7 or so since and still am happy with the results.
   — cindy Q.

January 22, 2003
I had Gastric Bypass in June of 2001, I lost 100lbs and had my TT and BL/BR in Oct of 2002, so I was about 16 months out. I had exercised and done all I could to get rid of the saggy baggy skin. 18 months sounds about right, but it took me 4 months from consult to surgery, PS are booked months in advance. Good Luck
   — Gail M.

January 22, 2003
I would trust the opinion of the plastic surgeon. I listened to my surgeon and did what she asked, and had a wonderful result. It is better to wait than to do something too soon and not have the best result possible.
   — Cara F.

January 22, 2003
I had mine done at 9 months out and was 10 pounds from goal. I lost another 15 pounds and am very pleased. If you still have quite a bit of weight to lose (more then 20 pounds)that's why there telling you to wait. You need to be closer to your goal weight before surgery so the surgery will not have to be redone.
   — Patty H.

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