I have to take Previcid but cant seem to get it down! Help!

I am just about 2a andhalf weeks post op and have to take Previcid. I have to open up the capsule and sprinkle it on my food and take it quicky with no chewing. I tried it on applesauce and spit it up. I tried it on fat free/sugar free chocoalte pudding and gag big time. I cant seem to swallow it. The tiny granuals make me sick. What else can I do? Is there another med I can take that isnt capsule that maybe I can chop up into smaller peices? Any liquid form? Any ideas helpful!    — Laurie L. (posted on November 25, 2001)

November 25, 2001
I also take prevacid. Why are you not swallowing it whole. I have NEVER chewed, openned or split any of my medication. And i take 7 pills every morning. 2 meds are horse pills. I have always swallowed all 7 pills whole, at one time, in one mouthful, since day 1 of coming home from the hospital. Good luck.
   — rose B.

May 22, 2002
I take Prevacid. I am 2 weeks postop. They now have it in powdered form in little packets. Take one packet with 2 Tbs. of water. Takes like cherry koolaid. Sure helps.
   — Sandy T.

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