What do I say to my boss?

I have a new boss that I don't feel comfortable talking to. He has only been with us about 3 weeks and he wants to talk to me about my surgery. What should I tell him? Should i tell him that my gallbladder is being removed (it really is), but his boss who use to be my boss knows the real deal. What should I tell him?    — Nurisha L. (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
I am telling my boss the same thing....that I'm having my gallbladder out (which may actually happen). My boss is a very caring person, and I'm afraid that when I if him the truth, he'll try to talk me out of it. If you dont feel comfortable telling your boss, don't do it. And if your old boss tells him later, he will surely understand that you didn't feel close enough to him at the time to share this info with him. Good Luck!
   — Monica H.

September 28, 2001
I told my boss that I was having surgery, it was kinda personal, nothing life threatening and gave him my doctor's note which just said abdominal surgery. He didn't probe any further and wished me luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 28, 2001
Please don't feel you have to divulge your private life to anyone, including your boss. I'm sure your boss doesn't tell you his personal business and even if he did that's still no reason for you to have to divulge something personal about yourself. I don't think you should make up something even if it is a partial truth. Just tell your boss you're not comfortable talking about it. If he or anyone else pushes you for more info just be strong and prepared with a polite statement like "it's not something I'm prepared to talk about", etc. Possibly after your surgery and after you begin to see your weight loss, you may feel differently about telling your boss and then you won't have to change a previous story. You don't owe anyone, including your boss, any explanations about your private life or your private medical issues, and please don't feel obligated to anyone but yourself. Best of luck with your surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

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