Has anyone been approve for a maxoplexy? Doctor says he has never seen it approved.

   — [Anonymous] (posted on September 21, 2001)

September 21, 2001
Do you mean mastopexy, or a breast lift? If so, then no--almost no insurance company will cover a lift only. However, if your breasts are large and require a <I>reduction</I> in addition to a lift, some insurance companies will cover the surgery with certain existing conditions (back pain, rashes, and/or grooves in the shoulders from your bra straps, etc.).
   — Suzanne B.

September 22, 2001
A mastopexy is a breastlift. I know because I had it done along with abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and brachioplasty (batwings) this summer. And, yes, my insurance covered all three procedures 100%.
   — [Anonymous]

September 22, 2001
I had a Breast reduction, with a lift 3 years ago....I should have waited until after the bypass, I used to have watermellons, now I have oranges, and they are getting smaller every day, I wish I had some more...
   — Marie B.

September 22, 2001
Yes, my United Health Care covered the procedure 100%. Three day approval.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 22, 2001
Yes, mastoplexy is covered by insurance. In fact, it's one of the easiest and most clearcut determinations (you don't need rashes, grooves or the plague). The criteria is 500 ccs has to be removed. A breast lift is the same as a breast reduction, except for the insurance coding and the necessity of the PS to remove the 500 ccs (doesn't matter if they are removing skin tissue or fat tissue).
   — Jill L.

November 5, 2003
Mine was approved in 3 days. No other information was requested. I currently have Healthnet, but then again, it is truly up to them and your medical group.
   — Cheryl C.

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