Vioxx - Not a question

This morning while listening to the car radio they said on the news that Vioxx is being taken off the market and will no longer be prescribed as it is causing heart problems. I know it is dangerous for us, but it sure works great for pain control. I'm just curious if anyone here has heard about this in more detail. Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on September 30, 2004)

September 30, 2004
   — TALON

September 30, 2004
I read the same thing today on my Yahoo news page. It's really got me scared. Vioxx is the first thing I've found out there that can control my arthritic pain without upsetting my pouch terribly. Thankfully, I don't have as much pain as I used to, these days! Basically, they're saying that "new research" (didn't they research this for years BEFORE it went on the market?) shows that it increases your risk of heart problems and stroke by 50%. I know I should be glad to be aware of this danger, but I'll also be up a creek as far as pain control goes.When my arthritic joints do act up, there isn't enough Tylenol in the world for it. They say it's being taken off the shelves immediately. I imagine like a lot of people, I'll be having to make an appt. with the doc soon to experiment with a new Nsaid. Bah!!
   — christied

September 30, 2004
Actually, there was a trial being done to see what effect Vioxx had on colon cancer, when they noted and increase in cardiac events and strokes in people in the study after 18 months. Yes, they tested the drug extensively before it was put on the market, but sometimes these things come to light later on. (Anyone remember the drug thalidomide? All the birth defects it caused? Now, that drug is used to treat multiple myeloma. Minoxidil is used to treat high blood pressure - but it also helps grow hair. Sometimes these things are found out in different ways. There was also a drug out for treating IBS a few years back. Once it went on the market and was being more widely prescribed, they found an abnormal death rate associated with it, and it was pulled from the market.) Guess I will be switching to Celebrex or Bextra and hope for the same relief!
   — koogy

October 2, 2004
I am now in mourning for my vioxx. LOL I have been on it since 1999 and it was a miracle for me. I was taking 24 ibuprofen a day and now just one tiny vioxx pill. It works so well for the arthritis pain. I saw my PCP yesterday. Since I tried celebrex in the past and got no relief from that I will be trying bextra. I won't start it until after my October 18th hernia surgery since I have to stop the vioxx for a week before surgery anyway I will use the vioxx until then. Then I will stay off the NSAIDs as long as I can post-op. If the pain comes back then I'll try the bextra. Maybe with this 130lb weight loss my pain won't be so bad with out drugs. One can hope anyway. :-) I'd be interested to know what everyone does to help their pain without the vioxx.
   — catleth

October 10, 2004
My husband's orthopedic dr. has taken him off the Vioxx, which was doing a great job on his knees and heels. He switched to Mobic, but it is not doing as good a job as the Vioss.
   — juju524

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