Does anyone know anyone that has died during or because of an abdominoplasty?

I am having a tummy tuck done in a few weeks, and I'm getting scared now. I'm afraid that since I made it through the other surgery fine that this may be the one that does me in. I know it's unpleaseant to discuss deaths, but it would really help if I knew things like that happen. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 23, 2001)

September 12, 2003
I obviously didnt die from my TT but i did have a a Huge hematoma and a slow bleed after and came real close to dying. On my 8th day post op i was rushed back to surgery to have teh hematoma exacuated and the bleeding stopped. My blood pressure dropped dangerously low and I was in trouble until they operated. I have recovered fine and and am happy with my results.
   — Lesley T.

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