Did anyone NOT have lipo with their tummy tuck/abdominoplasty?

I just had my first PS consultation yesterday, and was very surprised to hear the PS say that almost all of what I had was excess skin and not fat, and that he would most likely not being doing any lipo in my abdominal area or arms when i get my brachioplasty done. I'm a little leery of this because I was actually looking forward to the lipo as it sucks out those fat cells permanently, which means fat cannot come back to that particular area (it's true - research it if you don't believe me). Although he is cutting of quite a bit of skin, if he does no lipo, the fat has cells to come back to in that area, and that scares the bejesus out of me because most of my fat was concentrated in my abdomen (i was quite the apple-shape) and my upper arms, which is why i have so much excess skin in those areas. What is everyone else's Plastic Surgeons telling them about lipo? (Just some background - I am almost 2 years post-op, have lost about 105 lbs, weigh 123, height is 5'0", and I wear size 6's) Thanks in advance for your responses!    — sweetmana (posted on April 27, 2005)

April 27, 2005
It is not unheard of to not get lipo with skin revision. However if it is somethign that you want to have done than consult with another PS. Get a second opinion. If you explain to your insurence that you want a second opinion before getting "unessisary" procedures (OK, it's a little fib), they are almost ALWAYS willing to pay for a second consult! LOL! HTH! OH Yeah, you are correct about the cells actually being sucked out however the cells that remain can expand to compensate for the loss of other cells. That is how some patients end up with that "wavy" look after PS because their other cells have expanded but cannot fill in all of the spots so it all looks wavy and uneven. Also, it is always good to havea thin layer of fat under your skin, it is what insulates you!
   — MagickalMom

April 27, 2005
Ok, I know I'm no medical expert, but I'll post what I think and say I wouldn't swear to it. Hopefully, someone will let me know in a nice way if I'm wrong. I was to have lipo with my tummy tuck last year, but when I came out of surgery, he told me he just decided to cut it off instead of doing that. Refunded my money for the lipo portion. I guess from that, I assumed he still got rid of the fat cells and they are just part of the skin make-up that they cut off to begin with. My thought was that the fat cells are just below the layer of skin and they get those along with the excess skin. Least that's what I hope. However, I have heard what the last poster said that the remaining ones simply can expand as well. In other words, having PS doesn't prevent you from getting overweight again, the remaining cells just compensate.
   — Tparker

April 28, 2005
I didn't have lipo when I had my abdominoplasty. My PS told me that I didn't need it because all I had was excess skin in that area. He was right. I didn't need it and the results were great!! I'm 5'2 and weigh 125 and wear size 4's now.
   — Patty H.

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