3 1/2 moonths po/tt tissue swelling

I had my panni removed, with 3 hernia's repaired with muscle tighening on 8/27/04. I did have a seroma drained last month, and the ultrasound showed a very small on on the left side of about only 2 cc too small to worry about draining. I am still wearing my binder durring the daytime, but if I go without it for even 4 hours my left front side swells, the whole mid to lower quadrant, and it is very noticable to everyone, and I can feel the seroma but its not painful like before. The skin on that side hangs lower, do I wonder if since my muscles are pulled so tight and the skin so loose that it may be too much skin to adhear properly. I should have had an anchor incesion to pull the sides tight. I can feel its not adheared and I cant lay on my tummy either, and I can fill my skin move over the muscle layer. I know it takes time to heal, but is it possible that the skin my be too much or loose to adhear and I need a revision? Could this be medicaly necessary and the insurance cover it. Thanks sorry so long, I just wanted everyone to understand. My protien intake is good and I do take my vitamins daily. Rosemary    — wizz40 (posted on December 6, 2004)

April 10, 2007
I am wondering how you are doing now? I am 4 mos out of tt/lbl surgery and my swelling keeps decreasing, except that since I started step aerobics again, my lower tummy is a pooch again and it feels hard. I'm on my way back to the doctor, but I was wondering if anyone has any input on this? Is it something to worry about or normal and will go back down? I'm so scared about this because it was so nice and flat for 3 months! Anyone else had this? Thanks, Michelle LInette
   — Michelle C.

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